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Become a Master at Resolving Conflict at Home and Work

By Roger Allen

Resolving Conflict Online Course: Learn Conflict Resolution Steps

Conflict, at least disagreement, is an inevitable part of life. We know this. We come from different backgrounds, have distinct personalities, perspectives, needs, values, roles, goals, and priorities, all of which set us up to experience disagreements if not outright conflict.

So, the question is not whether you’ll experience conflict but rather how you’ll handle it. And, unfortunately, we have little training in how to manage it.

This course will give you skills to successfully resolve disagreements and turn conflict into productive dialogue so that you can not only solve your shared problems but also experience enjoyable connections with others. You will learn how to resolve conflicts in the family and how to resolve conflicts on the job, between managers and employees as well as with peers.

Our Natural Tendencies are Harmful

My professional experience tells me that many of our natural tendencies during conflict are harmful. Some people go into an aggressive and fight mode, others run emotionally and resort to silence or appeasement, and still others distract and avoid. Although our natural tendencies are intended to reduce the impact of conflict, they actually and make it worse in the long run. The consequences of failing to deal with conflict are far-reaching. Unresolved conflict is why family members become alienated. It is why half of all marriages end in divorce. It also accounts for 50% of the turnover in companies. Therefore, learning to resolve conflict is one of the most important skills you can learn.

The Process of Dialogue

I teach you the steps of conflict resolution through dialogue, a process of communication in which people listen to understand one another’s point of view and then agree upon options to solve problems and/or resolve their disagreements.  Dialogue is the means by which we make it safe to surface conflict and have meaningful conversations in our personal relationships and our organizations. Such conversations make our relationships and organizations healthier and more effective. This program will give you the awareness and skills you need to face and handle the difficult conversations of your life. And as you learn and apply these skills, you’ll still have differences of opinion and disagreements, but you’ll navigate them with confidence and skill. Here is what you will take away from the course:
  • How to prevent disagreements from becoming unhealthy conflict.
  • The mindset, confidence and skills to facilitate conflict resolution.
  • How to calm yourself and manage your own thoughts and feelings during conflict.
  • A framework and road map for initiating and navigating difficult conversations to a successful outcome.
  • Knowledge of communication styles, your style, and its impact on conflict resolution.
(This conflict management training program not only has thousands of students, but has been rated as a "best seller" on the Udemy learning platform for several months in a row..


“I completed your “Become a Master at Resolving Conflict at Home or Work” online course and LOVED it! Last night I diffused what could have been an explosive conversation, by thinking, then speaking in a way that invited collaboration rather than confrontation. We all went to sleep last night with smiles on our faces. THANKS Roger. Keep up the good work.”

Sandra Rush

“I am a mother of 4, just starting the journey of the teenage years with my oldest. I purchased this course to help me navigate the difficulties involved with parenting my children. The principles taught here resonate deeply within me and have already helped me to view conflict differently, and given me tools to practice healthy and respectful dialogue that honors what is important to both sides. I feel more empowered to advocate for myself and help my children advocate for themselves, and have experienced more meaningful connection with them as I apply what I’m learning. I really enjoyed listening to the videos during my workouts for a few weeks and feel that the things I learned will be life changing in a positive way for me and for my family.”

Emily Pond Ricks

“I have used this course to figure out how to handle conflict in my family. It has been helpful to consider my role as I help navigate sibling conflict and teenage relationships. So far it has been very useful!”

Cheryl-Lynn Adams

Roger presents as sincere, extremely knowledgeable and and skilled in ways to help me deal with conflict.

Jay Rush

This was a nice blended course with both work and home-life scenarios which were much more relatable. I learned a lot taking this course as I am now in the role of facilitating communication between leaders, this course gave me another perch to view from. The baseline information was solid, and easy to digest, as well as the desired outcomes clear. Great course!

Zachary L.

Dr. Allen’s lectures are so enriching, interesting and can be immediately applied to solve conflict at every stages of life. Thanks for the PDF materials.

Rebecca M.

This course was incredible! Roger is a great coach and he truly covered the essence of the conflict management concepts and used various examples which all really added to fully understanding these concepts. I didn’t realize how much I needed this course until finishing it, I really recommend this to everyone! My perspective and attitude towards facing/dealing with conflicts has definitely changed for the better. I also very much appreciate the PDF material which I have added to my collection of personal development resources and I am sure I will find myself reaching out for it every once in a while. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge in such a constructive manner!


“The course is very informative and can help us explore wisely some of the conflict we face, have a better understanding of what we can do, what is at stakes, and help to transform difficult situations.”

Lea Payette

The course is excellent, I am following it because I already took a course from the same trainer that I found excellent so I went to look for other courses from him. I also like that fact that he provides handouts and even audio files of the course. So far the best trainer and courses among the very many (more than 100) I took.

Enrico Viali

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