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Raising Responsible, Emotionally Mature Children

By Roger Allen

By Roger K. Allen, Ph.D.

It’s tough being a parent. For example, what do you do when…

  • Your daughter brings home a really bad report card
  • You get a call that your teen has been arrested for underage drinking
  • Your fifth grader announces: “I hate school and I’m never going back”
  • A son refuses to get off the couch and help with chores
  • Your kids bicker and argue every evening at the dinner table
  • Your son pitches a major fit when his screen time is over
  • A daughter is pouty and refuses to spend time with family

Such challenges set us up to either over-control or cave-in and over-indulge our children. Either way, our children fail to learn from their experiences or grow in emotional maturity and self-responsibility.

Product Description

Roger K. Allen, PhD, has studied family relationships for many years and developed a time-tested set of tools to help parents succeed in raising responsible, emotionally mature children. Replete with examples and case studies, his time-proven book gives you concrete strategies you can immediately put into practice.

Dr. Allen will teach you parenting skills to establish loving authority in your home, put an end to conflict and power struggles, and communicate with your children (from toddlers to teens) in ways that solve problems, build trust, enhance self-worth, and help your children learn personal responsibility. Are you ready to start the journey? More specifically, this book will give you the know-how to respond to your challenges, whatever they may be. You’ll learn parenting skills to:
  • Establish loving authority in your home
  • Create conditions that will open up communication and build trust
  • Build an atmosphere of harmony rather than criticism, bickering, and put-downs
  • Resolve disagreements and conflicts constructively and without power struggles
  • Give up parenting habits that destroy self-esteem and weaken relationships
  • Teach your children to assume responsibility for their feelings and actions
  • Set limits and enforce discipline without being heavy handed


In my career as a specialist providing treatment to adolescents and their families, I have seen many parenting theories, models, manuals, and books. I have seen nothing which rises to the stature of this book by Dr. Allen. It has depth, breadth, easy to understand models, timeless and true principles, stories, examples, and specific steps to take to get to where you want to go. In my opinion, among all the many good books on parenting, this book has more depth, and more breadth, and has no equal.

Michael E. Berrett

Ph.D.Psychologist, CEO and Co-founder, Center for Change; nationally known clinical teacher and co-author of the APA book Spiritual Approaches in the Treatment of Women with Eating Disorders

I thoroughly enjoyed your book. I would recommend this book to parents who have kids of all ages and to therapists. I found myself immediately using many of your techniques with my teens and found that instead of yelling, we were able to talk.

Laura Gomez

Weakley Licensed Professional Counselor

Finally, a book with the perfect blend of principles, knowledge, and real-life examples that effectively teach us how to become the parents our children deserve and need. My absolute favorite go-to parenting resource.

Keri KroutMother of seven

parent coach, early childhood educator

The work of C. Kay Allen has greatly influenced my life and I am equally impressed with the work of his son. Roger Allen takes a difficult subject that is close to our hearts, and in an engaging manner, inspires us to become better parents and grandparents. We all value our children and want the best for them. This book will help us create a nurturing environment in our home. It shares principles and skills that teach us how to interact with our children in loving ways that foster self-worth, emotional maturity, and personal responsibility.

Hyrum Smith

Co-Founder Franklin Covey

This book will teach you how to make your home a safe and nurturing place—where children and parents are allies in the important work of building self esteem and learning how to deal with challenges. I know because I used these principle-based skills as young mother and a junior high school teacher. Now they are invaluable when resolving conflicts with my grandchildren. The results continue to amaze me.

Janis Blake Mother

grandmother, and former school teacher

I just finished the first read of your book, Raising Responsible, Emotionally Mature Children. I say “first” because this is a book that I will read and refer to again and again. You have done a masterful job, and your work will be a great blessing to thousands of parents.

Dennis DeatonAward-winning Author

Ownership Spirit; Corporate Trainer and Keynote Speaker; Co-founder of Quma Learning Systems

When I was young, I had no idea my parents were using the skills taught in this book. What I did know was that they took time to listen and talk with me. As a result, we developed trust and I learned to take responsibility for my choices. And now that I’m a mother I use the skills every day. I love them! I am able to create teachable moments and a more peaceful environment.”

Vallarie Blake

NuttallMother of six

Perplexed parents will find a wealth of useful – even transformative – information in this wise book. The principles described by Dr. Allen can improve all relationships, not just parent/child.

Carroll MorrisMA, CH, MRET

author of The Complete Caregiver Support Guide

As one who works daily with college students, I can say that this book is a compelling look at modern parenting with a practical approach to real-life situations. The methods will greatly assist parents in developing ways to improve raising their children. Dr. Allen has the insight and experience from which any and all parents can benefit.

Jonathan Morrell

DirectorStudent Support Services, Dixie State University

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