
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

The Belief that I’m Not Enough

The Belief that I’m Not Enough

We put way too much on having, doing, and being enough. It creates incredible stress and keeps us from loving life.

By rogerkallen

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Self-doubt shows up as different voices in your head. You get to decide how much power to give those voices. Why not listen to something bigger?

By rogerkallen

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Creating a Safe Place

Creating a Safe Place

I love and recommend a little book by Shakti Gawain entitled, Creative Visualization.  She is someone I read years ago as I started my journey of personal development. In particular, she teaches some powerful techniques for learning to use visualization for healing and health. Here is a passage about creating your own safe place or […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Find Greater Fulfillment and Meaning

How to Find Greater Fulfillment and Meaning

Success can feel hallow and empty if our lives are not balanced, filled with love, grounded in the present, and a deeper sense of personal purpose. In fact, chasing success (wealth, beautiful home, building a business, community status, power, etc.) are all outer symbols and expressions of a desired inner experience. It is the inner experience we really want—to feel peace, pleasure, aliveness, joy, love; to find meaning; to sense that our lives are full, and that we’ve somehow made a difference.

By rogerkallen

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Fulfillment versus Success–Which is More Important?

Fulfillment versus Success–Which is More Important?

Fulfillment versus success–which is more important? I have thought about and studied these two concepts for many years. Although interrelated, they are distinct. Each is important and understanding the difference can help us find balance in the journey of life. So I want to share with you the following passage from my book, The Hero’s […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Stop Procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastinating

Most of us procrastinate, be it putting off doing the dishes, cleaning the house, paying bills, getting a report done at work, having a sensitive conversation, getting started on that book I’ve always wanted to write, going to the gym, and so on. Procrastination is not complex. It comes down to this—we trade doing what […]

By rogerkallen

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Turning a Disruptive Student into an Ally

Turning a Disruptive Student into an Ally

By confronting a disruptive student I was able to help change his behavior so he became a positive influence within the classroom.

By rogerkallen

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Which Wolf are You Feeding?

Which Wolf are You Feeding?

The fight between evil and good is going on inside each of us. Which wins will be determined by the one you feed.

By rogerkallen

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