
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

How to Stop Procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastinating

Most of us procrastinate, be it putting off doing the dishes, cleaning the house, paying bills, getting a report done at work, having a sensitive conversation, getting started on that book I’ve always wanted to write, going to the gym, and so on. Procrastination is not complex. It comes down to this—we trade doing what […]

By rogerkallen

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Turning a Disruptive Student into an Ally

Turning a Disruptive Student into an Ally

By confronting a disruptive student I was able to help change his behavior so he became a positive influence within the classroom.

By rogerkallen

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Which Wolf are You Feeding?

Which Wolf are You Feeding?

The fight between evil and good is going on inside each of us. Which wins will be determined by the one you feed.

By rogerkallen

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How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk

How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk

Each one of us talks to ourselves much of the time. Not only does this self-talk determine our moods and behavior, they literally become self-fulfilling prophecies and eventually define our reality.

By rogerkallen

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Confronting Poor Performance

Confronting Poor Performance

Do you manage people? If so then I want to let you know that I just launched a new, state-of-the-art video training course entitled: Performance Management: Confronting Poor Performing Employees. Many business owners, leaders, managers, and supervisors do a poor job of confronting problem behavior. They ignore or side-step sensitive issues hoping they’ll go away […]

By rogerkallen

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Self-Talk: A Powerful Antidote to What Ails You

Self-Talk: A Powerful Antidote to What Ails You

The way that we talk to ourselves is a powerful determiner of our moods and behavior. Our self-talk literally becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and eventually our reality.

By rogerkallen

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How to Build High Self-Esteem

How to Build High Self-Esteem

One way we develop self-esteem is by learning resilience--practicing positive mental strategies to support ourselves when life gets tough.

By rogerkallen

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Three Powerful Leadership Practices

Three Powerful Leadership Practices

A few years back I did some consulting work with a hospital that wanted to improve the quality of management across the entire organization (admin, doctors, and nurses).  They began by administering a survey to all employees, asking them to rate their managers on a number of management and leadership practices. From the results of […]

By rogerkallen

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