Allowing Negative Emotions
We habitually distract ourselves from our negative feelings. However, as we face them with compassion and non-judgment we experience emotional nourishment and personal liberation.
Empowering people to make strengthening choices
We habitually distract ourselves from our negative feelings. However, as we face them with compassion and non-judgment we experience emotional nourishment and personal liberation.
All of life, the good and the bad, can bless us if we open our hearts to the love abounding in our moment by moment experience.
When we get clear about boundaries we can make choices rather than just react. We become empowered. We can now search for creative solutions to what seemed to be intractable problems.
Expectations are the specific beliefs that you have brought into your marriage about the way things will or should be. In general, if your expectations are met then you are happy. If not, you experience disappointment and frustration. Therefore, understanding and learning to negotiate your expectations is a key factor in your marital success.
I’m very mindful, as I sit at my computer this morning, of the utter horror of last weekend’s shooting in Las Vegas. My emotions vacillate from shock to anger to sadness that something so inhumane can happen, yet again, in America. Such events occur all too frequently and effect each of us deeply as we search […]
Benevolent is my new word. It has been on my mind a lot in recent weeks and months, particularly given what we’re going through as a nation and world. The Meaning of Benevolence The simple definition of the word is a desire to do good to others, to be charitable, to act kindly. I think […]
Most people want to go to heaven, they just don’t want to die to get there. I chuckle every time I hear this phrase. We want the rewards that come from big goals but fear the price. This is true in so many areas of life. For example, I may want: to be lean and […]
Find greater happiness and well-being through deep relaxation.