
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

The Poor–What is My Responsibilty?

The Poor–What is My Responsibilty?

Most Indians are inventive, self-sufficient, and resourceful. I’ve been amazed by the creative ways so many find to make a living and provide for their families. And yet, not surprisingly, we’ve encountered many poor, some who beg for money or food. Seeing them makes me question my responsibility for the poor. Most sad is watching […]

By rogerkallen

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Handling My Negative Feelings

Handling My Negative Feelings

We are rational and emotional beings. We often assume that our ability to reason is our highest attribute. Perhaps. But I’d suggest that we’re more than thinking machines. We feel, and from our feelings emerges the depth and richness of our lives.

By rogerkallen

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On Saying Our “Goodbyes”

On Saying Our “Goodbyes”

We are continually coming and going and so “Hellos” and “Goodbyes” are a natural part of our lives. Even though small, these are actually quite meaningful moments as we greet and depart from each other.

By rogerkallen

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Simplifying Your Life by Getting Rid of Stuff

Simplifying Your Life by Getting Rid of Stuff

One way to simplify our lives is by getting rid of physical stuff we've accumulated through the years. Doing so brings peace, harmony and freedom.

By rogerkallen

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India–A New Chapter in our Lives

India–A New Chapter in our Lives

I’ve mentioned in recent blog posts that my wife and I are going through some big life transitions. We have now sold our house, cars, most of our furniture, and given away most of other material possessions. Everything we own is now in a 200 square foot storage unit or four suitcases. The reason for […]

By rogerkallen

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Our Purpose as Parents

Our Purpose as Parents

Isn’t technology wonderful? When I was a boy if I wanted to change the channel on the TV, I had to get up and go the TV. Now, all we do is point a remote in the general direction of the TV, press a button and change the channel. It is easy. Then I read […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Stay Up Beat at Work

How to Stay Up Beat at Work

Last week my blog was an interview with a friend who was complaining about becoming a grumpy old man due to the increasing demands and expectations put on him by his employer. This is a pretty common phenomenon for a lot of people these days as companies cut costs and run lean, expecting their existing […]

By rogerkallen

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You Want Me To Do Hard Things? Why Bother? Thoughts from a Disillusioned Worker

You Want Me To Do Hard Things? Why Bother? Thoughts from a Disillusioned Worker

Then I wrote a couple of blogs recently on the value of doing hard things. One of my readers agreed with my premise but also went on to share a different take on this theme that has to do with becoming a disillusioned worker. Here’s what he said: “I worked very hard when my kids […]

By rogerkallen

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