
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Bringing Love to This Holiday Season

Bringing Love to This Holiday Season

This black and white sketch was drawn for us by Dev, a new friend in India. I love it. For Christians, it represents one of the most important events in history—the birth of the Christ child. But whether you are Christian or not the painting embodies the tender love of family—the sweet innocence and radiance […]

By rogerkallen

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Go For It!

Go For It!

All of us have experienced stress, fear and anxiety. These feelings are unpleasant and so we set our lives up to avoid or minimize them as much as possible. We do this by creating routines and conforming to other’s expectations so we can feel safe and minimize problems, stress and worry. This is good to […]

By rogerkallen

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Gross National Happiness

Gross National Happiness

Gross national what? We talk about gross national product as a measure of a country’s wealth and even well-being. Countries around the world vary significantly in terms of their GNP as well as per capita income or GNP ÷ population. India, which my wife and I called home for several months, has a per capita […]

By rogerkallen

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The Poor–What is My Responsibilty?

The Poor–What is My Responsibilty?

Most Indians are inventive, self-sufficient, and resourceful. I’ve been amazed by the creative ways so many find to make a living and provide for their families. And yet, not surprisingly, we’ve encountered many poor, some who beg for money or food. Seeing them makes me question my responsibility for the poor. Most sad is watching […]

By rogerkallen

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Handling My Negative Feelings

Handling My Negative Feelings

We are rational and emotional beings. We often assume that our ability to reason is our highest attribute. Perhaps. But I’d suggest that we’re more than thinking machines. We feel, and from our feelings emerges the depth and richness of our lives.

By rogerkallen

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On Saying Our “Goodbyes”

On Saying Our “Goodbyes”

We are continually coming and going and so “Hellos” and “Goodbyes” are a natural part of our lives. Even though small, these are actually quite meaningful moments as we greet and depart from each other.

By rogerkallen

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Simplifying Your Life by Getting Rid of Stuff

Simplifying Your Life by Getting Rid of Stuff

One way to simplify our lives is by getting rid of physical stuff we've accumulated through the years. Doing so brings peace, harmony and freedom.

By rogerkallen

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India–A New Chapter in our Lives

India–A New Chapter in our Lives

I’ve mentioned in recent blog posts that my wife and I are going through some big life transitions. We have now sold our house, cars, most of our furniture, and given away most of other material possessions. Everything we own is now in a 200 square foot storage unit or four suitcases. The reason for […]

By rogerkallen

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