
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Key Moment: An Example

Key Moment: An Example

In my last blog I presented the idea of a key moment. Now I’d like to bring the concept alive with an example from the workplace. Remember the definition. A key moment is a situation or event that presents a challenge and demands a response. How we respond to our key moments determines, to a […]

By rogerkallen

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Key Moments: Seizing The Opportunity In Life’s Dificulties

Key Moments: Seizing The Opportunity In Life’s Dificulties

We don’t need to look far to find adversity. Most lives are characterized by some degree of difficulty and struggling, whether minor (a flat tire on the way to work) or major (the death of a loved one). We begrudge our adversities, wishing they would go away. Yet they don’t. Life just keeps happening, one […]

By rogerkallen

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Tribute to the Whitakers

Tribute to the Whitakers

I attended the funeral of a friend earlier this week—Doran Whitaker, who was in a coma for the past four months after a terrible bicycle accident in early June. I have to say that Doran was one of the most positive, kind, and principled men I’ve ever known. From the first time I met him, […]

By rogerkallen

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Beyond Success

Beyond Success

We Want to Succeed! One of my core beliefs  is that people want to succeed. Nobody wakes up in the morning thinking, “Today I’m going to see how many ways I can fail… or make my life miserable.” The desire to succeed is innate in each of us. The question is, what is success? Society […]

By rogerkallen

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To Give is to Receive

To Give is to Receive

“He who has deserved to drink from the ocean of life deserves to fill his cup from your little stream.” Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet The Privilege of Giving I believe that to give is to receive. Arthur Brooks, an economist and professor of entrepreneurship at the University of Syracuse, works with successful entrepreneurs. In an […]

By rogerkallen

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Are You In Harmony With Your Passions?

Are You In Harmony With Your Passions?

Yesterday I discussed Kate, Jeff and Paul, three people who, while very different from each other, shared the fact that they were living in harmony with their passions and as a result had self actualization. Now it’s time to talk about you.  Are you in harmony with your passions?

By rogerkallen

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Does Your Life Partnership Need Some Work?

Does Your Life Partnership Need Some Work?

In our quest toward self actualization, I’ve asked to you look inward, and now we’ve started to look outward; namely, at the quality of your relationship with your life partner.  Yesterday, you took a quiz about your relationship (if you didn’t catch that blog, click here).  Today we’ll analyze your results. The statements break down […]

By rogerkallen

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Are You Ready To Move On?

Are You Ready To Move On?

What if you could be . . . exactly what you wanted to be?  Exactly who you want to be? What if it were possible to shed every bad habit and self-limiting behavior and break free into the person you were born to be  — the person you search anxiously as you look into your […]

By rogerkallen

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