
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Is Your Marriage The “Happily Ever After” You Dreamed Of?

Is Your Marriage The “Happily Ever After” You Dreamed Of?

A short time later, he heard Kathy’s SUV pull into the garage.  He was surprised she didn’t immediately burst into the shop and light into him for not accepting Sam’s offer. When Susie called him to dinner, he realized why.  Kathy brought the subject up not more than a couple minutes into the meal.  “Sam […]

By rogerkallen

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Models: What Makes You A Winner?

Models: What Makes You A Winner?

Why is Brock blindfolded? In this video from Facing The Giants, the coach asks Brock, “You already written Friday night down as a loss, Brock?” Brock shrugs.  “Well, not if I know we could beat’em.”

By rogerkallen

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How Will You Handle Hardship?

How Will You Handle Hardship?

Little Maria Monique came down with a severe lung infection.  It might have been treatable in the US, but in her home of Indonesia, the doctors weren’t able to treat her.  Her mother, Tjahja, sold everything she owned and flew with her daughter to Singapore for more advanced medical care.  Doctors there were more equipped […]

By rogerkallen

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Do You Know Your Three “R’s”?

Do You Know Your Three “R’s”?

We’ve been talking a great deal in recent blogs about how to distinguish between reality and your perceptions. You do, we learned, have control over how you feel about a situation. Why is this so important to understand? Because your flawed or skewed perceptions of reality can actually alter reality. Let me explain:

By rogerkallen

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Can You Choose How You Feel?

Can You Choose How You Feel?

Donald nodded. ”Let me ask you to do something. From now on, use the words ‘I chose’ so you really own your experience. You chose to feel hurt. You see?” Hal shook his head. “I don’t see how I chose to feel hurt. It just happened.” “It seems that way, doesn’t it? Our reactions during […]

By rogerkallen

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How Can You Align Your perceptions with Reality?

How Can You Align Your perceptions with Reality?

In this series of blogs, I’ve been talking about the impact that our perceptions have on our understanding of reality. Hopefully, I’ve shown you how important it is to address this issue in your own life as you move forward in your journey of personal development. The question now is, how? If you believe what […]

By rogerkallen

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Have You Ever Been Betrayed?

Have You Ever Been Betrayed?

Hal glanced around the table, hoping that one of his long-time colleagues would speak up on his behalf.  No one, except Charlie White, met his eyes.  Not Keith, his golfing buddy who had lauded his every move – until Charlie’s arrival.  Not Patricia, a single parent who had asked Hal to be godfather to her […]

By rogerkallen

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What color are your glasses?

What color are your glasses?

Back when, if someone refused to look at the world realistically, they were said to “look at the world through rose-colored glasses.”  If you read my last blog, then you know how important your perception of reality is to your personal development. Let me give you an example of how this works.

By rogerkallen

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