
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

A Plan for Personal Improvement

A Plan for Personal Improvement

There are many ways people go about becoming better human beings and achieving personal improvement: Religious practice: attending church, reading scriptures, praying.

By rogerkallen

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5 More Practical Tips for Taking Control of Your Reality

5 More Practical Tips for Taking Control of Your Reality

We’ve been talking about the distinction between your life and your life situation.  To give you a quick metaphor, your life situation is the pond you swim in – your relationships, your environment, your job, your health, etc.  But your life is how you choose to swim through it.  Even if there are storms or […]

By rogerkallen

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Practical Tips for Taking Control of Your Reality

Practical Tips for Taking Control of Your Reality

Yesterday I described the steps you need to go through to make intentional choices and gain control of your reality – the before, during and after. Now I want to give you specific tools you can use to change your approach to challenges:

By rogerkallen

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Is Your Life Defined By Circumstances?

Is Your Life Defined By Circumstances?

In my last blog, I talked about the difference between your life and your situation.  It’s very easy – human, you might even say – to define yourself by where you are and what you’re dealing with.  You’re the one-legged runner.  You’re the single mom of three.  The guy in line in unemployment.  The blind […]

By rogerkallen

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What Situation Are You In?

What Situation Are You In?

We are surrounded by negativity.  These days, in fact, we are completely encased in it.  The fear-mongering in every corner, our developing culture of intolerance and irritability, and the constant flood of sensationalist mass media.  Just today in a quick browse of the internet I found these stories: From CNN:  “America the Miserable?” . . […]

By rogerkallen

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What is Your Destiny?

What is Your Destiny?

Anything is possible. Anything. You can see it in the faces of the musicians, old and young. Hear it in the ringing voices, feel it pulsing through your veins in time with the rhythm. But when the music stops . . .

By rogerkallen

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Reframing a Negative Belief

Reframing a Negative Belief

In a past article, “Key Moments: Seizing the Opportunity in Life’s Difficulties” I defined key moments as a situation or event which is upsetting, presents a challenge and demands a response. How we handle our key moments determines, to a great extent, our happiness and success in life.

By rogerkallen

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What Are Your Guiding Principles?

What Are Your Guiding Principles?

When you’re faced with a decision, what drives you?  Do you take the path of least resistance or act out of a need for self-protection?  Or are you guided by certain internal principles that defy apparent logic or short term thinking?  Part of self actualization – living a life built around knowing who you are […]

By rogerkallen

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