
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Reframing a Negative Belief

Reframing a Negative Belief

In a past article, “Key Moments: Seizing the Opportunity in Life’s Difficulties” I defined key moments as a situation or event which is upsetting, presents a challenge and demands a response. How we handle our key moments determines, to a great extent, our happiness and success in life.

By rogerkallen

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What Are Your Guiding Principles?

What Are Your Guiding Principles?

When you’re faced with a decision, what drives you?  Do you take the path of least resistance or act out of a need for self-protection?  Or are you guided by certain internal principles that defy apparent logic or short term thinking?  Part of self actualization – living a life built around knowing who you are […]

By rogerkallen

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What Are Your Guiding Principles? (Part II)

What Are Your Guiding Principles? (Part II)

In November 2008, trucker Ronnie Sanders, 38, was hauling a heavy load of tractors and forklifts from Georgia to Independence when  on I-75 in Kentucky, traffic in front of him stopped abruptly.  Directly in front of him was a Grand Caravan, and he saw kids in the back seat.  Ronnie was bearing down hard, and […]

By rogerkallen

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Are You an Island?

Are You an Island?

Sociologists have discovered that humans have an innate need to belong to a group of people.  Healthy humans devote a good amount of time and energy on securing and maintaining their place in a social group, and self actualization includes having a healthy relationship with and within a community of people.  Let’s see how you […]

By rogerkallen

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Can You Say It Out Loud Without Starting a Fight?

Can You Say It Out Loud Without Starting a Fight?

“Mind if I have a seat?” he asked, timidly. She shrugged, making no move to put down the test she was correcting. He sat on the love seat in the bay window facing the bed.  As he opened his mouth to speak, he realized just how much humility was going to be required to accept […]

By rogerkallen

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Are You a Stranger in a Strange Place?

Are You a Stranger in a Strange Place?

What is it about this scene from Fiddler on the Roof that’s so heartbreaking?  The families are being forced to leave their home village of Anatevka.  They say themselves, it’s nothing special.  “It’s just a place,” says Golda.  If you’re familiar with the story, you know that there are tensions and hard feelings between some […]

By rogerkallen

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Are You All You Were Born to Be?

Are You All You Were Born to Be?

Paula Bernstein and Elyse Schein are identical twins. As part of controversial (and now widely regarded as unethical) research project in the 1960s and ’70s, they were separated as infants, as an attempt to resolve the “nature versus nurture” dispute.” Neither knew that she had a sister, let alone an identical twin, until they found […]

By rogerkallen

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Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Who are you? If self-actualization means that you reach your born potential, what will that look like for you? You are an utterly unique creation, born with a distinct set of talents, dreams, personality traits, and quirks. If you, through your experience of life, have suppressed that unique being, then you’ve disconnected from your powerful […]

By rogerkallen

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