
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

How to Be Less Emotionally Reactive

How to Be Less Emotionally Reactive

Hello my friend, Today, I want to talk about a reactive mindset. I know from my own experience as well as working with thousands of people that it is easy to be reactive. By reactive I mean we let events, circumstances, and other people determine our feelings and/or actions and then we act in ways […]

By rogerkallen

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The Power of Belonging

The Power of Belonging

We know that happy people have the best social relationships. This is true whether you’re an introvert or extravert. The ways each individual seeks and expresses connectedness will differ but it’s still important to our long-term happiness. Simply put, happiness comes from intersecting our lives and merging our stories with those of others. My Journey […]

By rogerkallen

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The Power of Kindness

The Power of Kindness

The philosopher Plato is quoted as saying, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”   We don’t know that battles that are going on in the lives and hearts of others. But they are real and we can make life a little easier as we practice the power of […]

By rogerkallen

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The Relationship in Your Head

The Relationship in Your Head

In my last post, I wrote about strategies to build meaningful relationships. I want to continue this theme today by sharing a way for you to improve your relationships by taking responsibility for the relationship in your head. Be Proactive But first I want to say that responsibility means you’re proactive. You’re not waiting for […]

By rogerkallen

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Five Strategies to Build Meaningful Relationships

Five Strategies to Build Meaningful Relationships

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash There’s a lot of evidence that positive relationships are the most important factor in our happiness and well-being. And I want to suggest that building meaningful relationships requires intentionality on our part. They don’t happen by magic. Nor do they happen by waiting for others to take the […]

By rogerkallen

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How Would You Rate Your Social Connections?

How Would You Rate Your Social Connections?

If you’ve been following me for long, you know that I write about the ABCs of happiness—appreciating, becoming and connecting. From my study of the topic of happiness for many years now, I’ve reduced happiness to these three themes. Beginning today, I want to share some thoughts and also research about the third part of […]

By rogerkallen

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My Ideal Self, 10 Years in the Future

My Ideal Self, 10 Years in the Future

o This is the time of year when many of us set goals. In fact, I spend the first few days of the new year thinking through my personal and professional goals. It was a useful exercise and I’ve come away with clarity and enthusiasm for this upcoming year. In general, our goals have to […]

By rogerkallen

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Tips to Feel More Peace During the Holidays

Tips to Feel More Peace During the Holidays

We look forward to this season as “the most wonderful time of the year” and yet we may privately dread the disruption of our normal routines as well as the heightened demands and expectations (shopping, cleaning, decorating, cooking, gathering, entertaining) inherent in the holiday season. Isn’t it ironic that a holiday rooted in religious traditions […]

By rogerkallen

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