
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Accepting What Is: The Key to Personal Empowerment

Accepting What Is: The Key to Personal Empowerment

One step in the process of personal empowerment is embracing reality or accepting what is. This statement seems counter-intuitive. It seems like if you’re going to make things happen and live your dreams then you can’t be content or accept the way things are, but work or fight to make them different. Paradoxically, however, it […]

By rogerkallen

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Claiming Your Power to Live a Happy and Abundant Life

Claiming Your Power to Live a Happy and Abundant Life

Hi my friend, As I’ve let you know in recent blog posts, I’ve recently launched a new video course entitled, “Claiming Your Power to Live a Happy and Abundant Life!” The course is based on three truths: First is that you want to be happy. You don’t wake up in the morning thinking, “My goal, […]

By rogerkallen

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Our world is filled with so much noise and so many distractions that we have become uncomfortable with stillness. If things get quiet, we look at our phones. Or if we’re driving down the street, we turn on the radio. We arrive home and turn on the television or keep ourselves continually busy. This is […]

By rogerkallen

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Appreciating-A Key to Happiness

Appreciating-A Key to Happiness

Research tells us that people who have grateful hearts are happier, less depressed, and less stressed than those who are less grateful. They report a greater sense of purpose, more control over their lives, greater self-acceptance, and more optimism. They are more empathetic, more forgiving, less materialistic and have more positive ways of coping with difficulties.

By rogerkallen

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I Can Only Make One Person Happy

I Can Only Make One Person Happy

(This article was written by guest author, Ed Engel. Thanks, Ed.) One of my children gave me a T-shirt with this slogan on the front: “I can only make one person happy; I pick me.” I suppose my child was trying to send a message, not only to me, but perhaps a warning to others […]

By Ed Engel

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What I Got Wrong about Depression

What I Got Wrong about Depression

In early January I published an article entitled Understanding Depression. Since then, I’ve continued to think about and read the latest science about depression. I realize that I got something wrong and so wanted to publish this post to set the record straight. I said in my article is that “…depression is not a sign […]

By rogerkallen

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The Power to Choose

The Power to Choose

Like most people, I love music and frequently find myself humming a tune over and over in the back of my mind. I’ve learned to pay attention to the words of these songs because they have significance to what is going on in my life at the moment. Rarely is the entire song relevant; just a line or two that my subconscious mind is telling me to pay attention to—perhaps a lesson I need to learn.

By rogerkallen

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Scarcity vs Abundance

Scarcity vs Abundance

Do you live, primarily, from a scarcity or abundance mentality? Moment by moment you make this choice. The good news is that you don’t need to wait until you have achieved more, accumulated more wealth, status or power, or until you’ve overcome all your weaknesses to make this decision.

By rogerkallen

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