
Personal Growth

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

The Power of Grace

The Power of Grace

Grace is accepting we don’t have to earn our way to a blessed and rewarding life. We can relax into knowing the gifts and lessons that are meant for us will find us.

By Cindy Clemens

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Take A Chance

Take A Chance

Life is like a game of chance. No one knows what is going to happen next. Learn to trust your gut.

By Justin Riggs

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You are Smarter Than You Think

You are Smarter Than You Think

Asking yourself powerful questions leads to wisdom, self-reliance and success.

By rogerkallen

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Strategies to Overcome Depression

Strategies to Overcome Depression

In my last blog I talked about depression, its nature, symptoms and causes. In this post, I am presenting strategies to overcome depression. The good news about depression is that it is the most treatable of all mental disorders. In fact, 80% of people who suffer from this illness will achieve substantial, if not full […]

By rogerkallen

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Understanding Depression

Understanding Depression

Depression can occur to anyone, at any age, gender, race or ethnic and socio-economic background. It affects more people and causes more suffering than any other illness—physical or mental—known to humankind. Not only does depression squeeze the joy of life out of us, but it decreases our ability to function and leads to a variety of other emotional and physical problems.

By rogerkallen

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Calm Heart and Clear Mind

Calm Heart and Clear Mind

I have learned that the best thing I can do when things are not going my way is to stop trying so hard. I need to step back, quiet myself, be present, and simply observe. From this emerges a calm heart and clear mind which enables me to take better, more effective action.

By rogerkallen

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Learning to be Optimistic

Learning to be Optimistic

We often think of certain attributes such as optimism and pessimism as givens, permanent and ingrained into our personalities, something that we have little control over or can do nothing about. That’s not a very helpful point of view. It renders us helpless, powerless, victims of either our genetics or early child upbringing. However, scientists […]

By rogerkallen

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Bouncing Back-Lessons from Watching a Child Learn to Walk

Bouncing Back-Lessons from Watching a Child Learn to Walk

What if we use setbacks to inspire and motivate rather than deflate us?

By rogerkallen

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