Which Wolf are You Feeding?
The fight between evil and good is going on inside each of us. Which wins will be determined by the one you feed.
Empowering people to make strengthening choices
The fight between evil and good is going on inside each of us. Which wins will be determined by the one you feed.
Each one of us talks to ourselves much of the time. Not only does this self-talk determine our moods and behavior, they literally become self-fulfilling prophecies and eventually define our reality.
The way that we talk to ourselves is a powerful determiner of our moods and behavior. Our self-talk literally becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and eventually our reality.
One way we develop self-esteem is by learning resilience--practicing positive mental strategies to support ourselves when life gets tough.
We habitually distract ourselves from our negative feelings. However, as we face them with compassion and non-judgment we experience emotional nourishment and personal liberation.
All of life, the good and the bad, can bless us if we open our hearts to the love abounding in our moment by moment experience.
Most people want to go to heaven, they just don’t want to die to get there. I chuckle every time I hear this phrase. We want the rewards that come from big goals but fear the price. This is true in so many areas of life. For example, I may want: to be lean and […]
Find greater happiness and well-being through deep relaxation.