
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

What Not to Say to Someone in Distress

What Not to Say to Someone in Distress

What do you do or say when someone around you is hurting or in distress? How are you likely to respond? Do you say and do something that will be helpful and even strengthening to this individual or might you, inadvertently, say or do something that is harmful and even weakening? I want to suggest […]

By rogerkallen

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Is Your Communication Weakening or Strengthening?

Is Your Communication Weakening or Strengthening?

Hi my friend, In truth, we are always communicating, verbally and nonverbally, when in the presence of others. Our words, gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice all matter and affect those around us. So a question I want to pose to you today is, what is the impact of your communication? Is your communication helpful or […]

By rogerkallen

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What’s Your Relationship Dance?

What’s Your Relationship Dance?

In my last post, I talked about four styles of communication. Would you call yourself a dominator, accommodator, avoider, or collaborator in your communication? A Relationship Dance Of course, communication is two-way, meaning there are patterns that depend not only on your tendencies but that of others with whom you’re communicating. A dance is a good […]

By rogerkallen

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4 Communication Styles: How to Grow Myself and My Relationships

4 Communication Styles: How to Grow Myself and My Relationships

I believe that communication is one of the key factors determining our success and how well how we navigate the world around us. Our ability to relate to other people, get things done, and develop close and healthy relationships can all be thought of as a function of our communication. Therefore, by improving how we […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Strengthen Your Relationships

How to Strengthen Your Relationships

Hi friends, Frankly, there is nothing (or little) more important than our relationships. It is our relationships that bring us joy (and heartache) and give our lives meaning. A primary reason is that  we are interdependent. None of us lives or works in isolation but in a community (family, team, neighborhood, nation, etc.) with other […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Respond to an Accusation

How to Respond to an Accusation

I recently received a question from a student in my course “Become a Master at Conflict Management at Home or Work.” She asked, “How can I prevent my ego from getting in the way when my husband attacks me at the start of our conversation?” She went on to tell me that he snapped at […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Say “No”

How to Say “No”

In my last post, I talked about the importance of setting boundaries to be clear about what you are and are not responsible for in your relationships. Awareness of boundaries is critical to protecting and taking care of yourself as well as respecting another’s agency and sense of self. In this article, I want to […]

By rogerkallen

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Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting Healthy Boundaries

I’ve been writing a lot about building relationships in these last several articles. Today I want to explore the practice of setting healthy boundaries. Not only do good relationships require empathy and caring for others but also taking care of ourselves or even sometimes protecting ourselves from others. I don’t mean protecting ourselves because others […]

By rogerkallen

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