

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting Healthy Boundaries

I’ve been writing a lot about building relationships in these last several articles. Today I want to explore the practice of setting healthy boundaries. Not only do good relationships require empathy and caring for others but also taking care of ourselves or even sometimes protecting ourselves from others. I don’t mean protecting ourselves because others […]

By rogerkallen

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Asking for Support

Asking for Support

Someone recently asked me what I lessons I have learned as I look back on my career. I thought about his question and realized that I would have asked for more mentoring and even emotional support. Many of us think that we have to go it on our own. Even during adversity, we think we […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Practice Empathy in Everyday Life

How to Practice Empathy in Everyday Life

Empathy is awareness of others, what they are feeling or what life may be like for them. I like to think about two dimensions of empathy. One is perspective taking which is your ability to see something from another’s point of view. A second form of empathy is called empathic concern which is to feel […]

By rogerkallen

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Our Common Humanity

Our Common Humanity

There is something powerful about recognizing our common humanity. By this I mean acknowledging that we, as human beings, share similar experiences. We are all imperfect and make mistakes. There is not a person alive who has not experienced suffering, stress, loss and pain. And we hold similar aspirations. We want to be loved, achieve […]

By rogerkallen

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Creating Mutual Respect

Creating Mutual Respect

In my last article, I wrote about seeing people deeply. Today I want to explore a related concept, respect and how to create mutual respect. The dictionary defines respect as “to hold in high regard; to feel or show honor or esteem towards something or someone.” Although we think of respect as behaving in a […]

By rogerkallen

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Seeing People Deeply

Seeing People Deeply

So often we look at people and even interact with them but we don’t really see them. This is something that the columnist David Brooks has talked about lately. He’s been alarmed by the growing isolation and social disconnectedness in our society in recent years. In fact, he’s said, “Many of our society’s great problems […]

By rogerkallen

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A Circle of Healing

A Circle of Healing

I recently learned about a Rabbi by the name of Sharon Brous, a founder of a Jewish Community in Los Angeles. Rabbi Brous recently wrote a book entitled, “The Amen Effect: Ancient Wisdom to Mend our Broken Hearts and the World” in which she writes about a circle of healing and underscores the importance of […]

By rogerkallen

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Do You Relate from Fear, Duty, or Love?

Do You Relate from Fear, Duty, or Love?

So much of the quality of your relationships has less to do with other people and more to do with who and how you are in relation to other people. What are the attitudes and perceptions that you come from as you interact with others? In truth, you can do a lot to build healthy […]

By rogerkallen

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