
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Are You an Island?

Are You an Island?

Sociologists have discovered that humans have an innate need to belong to a group of people.  Healthy humans devote a good amount of time and energy on securing and maintaining their place in a social group, and self actualization includes having a healthy relationship with and within a community of people.  Let’s see how you […]

By rogerkallen

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Can You Say It Out Loud Without Starting a Fight?

Can You Say It Out Loud Without Starting a Fight?

“Mind if I have a seat?” he asked, timidly. She shrugged, making no move to put down the test she was correcting. He sat on the love seat in the bay window facing the bed.  As he opened his mouth to speak, he realized just how much humility was going to be required to accept […]

By rogerkallen

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