

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Rebuilding Trust by Managing My Anxiety

Rebuilding Trust by Managing My Anxiety

I recently wrote about a key moment in which I had to make a decision about how to handle a Saturday evening. The choices I made were relatively small in the grand scheme of things but allowed me to experience an enjoyable evening with my wife that could easily have been otherwise. Although small, such […]

By rogerkallen

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The Discipline to Do Hard Things-A Key to Resilience

The Discipline to Do Hard Things-A Key to Resilience

I realize that there is a strong connection between resilience and the discipline to do hard things. Knowing that I can do hard things gives me the inner strength to face all the challenges of my life–be they physical, social, emotional or mental. So in this post I want to share about a personal experience […]

By rogerkallen

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A Talk with Your Future Self

A Talk with Your Future Self

Hurray for 2021! Most people are so happy to put 2020 in the rear view mirror. And yet, what’s going to make 2021 better? If you’re like me, you’re hoping circumstances will be different–that the vaccine will help us get a handle on the pandemic, that kids will be back in school, that unemployment will […]

By rogerkallen

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Our Defining Moment: Standing Tall in a Pandemic

Our Defining Moment: Standing Tall in a Pandemic

I’ve been thinking about my parents lately. They were part of what we commonly refer to today as the “greatest generation,” those souls born between 1901 to the late 1920s. We call them the “greatest generation” because they lived through a number of defining moments including World War I, the Spanish Flu epidemic, the great […]

By rogerkallen

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Will You Live Intentionally in the New Year?

Will You Live Intentionally in the New Year?

It’s so hard for me to believe that we’re beginning a new year. It seems like such a short time ago that we were transitioning into 2019 and yet here we are. What is even more incredible to me is that it’s not just a new year, we’re entering the 20th year of what still […]

By rogerkallen

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Willpower is Not Enough

Willpower is Not Enough

We are learning that willpower, alone, is a flawed strategy for sustaining change because it fights against our powerful and human feelings, impulses, and urges.

By rogerkallen

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Accepting What Is: The Key to Personal Empowerment

Accepting What Is: The Key to Personal Empowerment

One step in the process of personal empowerment is embracing reality or accepting what is. This statement seems counter-intuitive. It seems like if you’re going to make things happen and live your dreams then you can’t be content or accept the way things are, but work or fight to make them different. Paradoxically, however, it […]

By rogerkallen

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Scarcity vs Abundance

Scarcity vs Abundance

Do you live, primarily, from a scarcity or abundance mentality? Moment by moment you make this choice. The good news is that you don’t need to wait until you have achieved more, accumulated more wealth, status or power, or until you’ve overcome all your weaknesses to make this decision.

By rogerkallen

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