

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

The Power of Vision

The Power of Vision

Vision is power; the power to bring something that does not now exist into reality. It is the means by which anything meaningful is created, accomplished, or attained. In this article, as well as the next few, I’m going to write about the incredible importance and power of vision and also give you some exercises […]

By rogerkallen

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The Parable of the Eagle

The Parable of the Eagle

The Parable of the Eagle, written by James Aggrey is a favorite of mine. It’s a story I often tell at the beginning of my seminars. Once upon a time, while walking through the forest, a certain man found a young eagle. He took it home and put it in his barnyard where it soon […]

By rogerkallen

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Living From My Higher Self

Living From My Higher Self

If you’ve read The Hero’s Choice, or followed me for very long, then you’re familiar with the Serenity Model, which suggests four different ways of being–Survival (all about fear and just getting by), Security (about being safe and pleasing others), Success (about achieving and accomplishing), and Serenity (about living consciously, from choice). Serenity Serenity is […]

By rogerkallen

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Failed New Year’s Resolutions? Now What?

Failed New Year’s Resolutions? Now What?

We have a natural tendency, at the beginning of a new year, to reflect upon where we are and then set goals or make resolutions for the upcoming year. Actually, as I think about it, the tendency is evidence of an innate desire, as human beings, to learn, grow, progress, and succeed. We recognize that […]

By rogerkallen

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The Power of Emotional Intelligence

The Power of Emotional Intelligence

For years people assumed that IQ was more predictive of life and occupational success than any other variable. After all, doesn’t it stand to reason that the smartest people will outperform others most of the time? It’s logical, but not true. In fact, recent research has found that people of average IQ will outperform those […]

By rogerkallen

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The Paradox of Money

The Paradox of Money

Between the end of World War II into the 21st Century, we Americans, as well as the entire industrialized world, got much richer. Far more wealth was created, during this period of time, than ever in the history of the world. Today we live in bigger homes, drive nicer cars, travel more, engage in more […]

By rogerkallen

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The Power We Give Others

The Power We Give Others

So Much Potential When Carol was a young girl, she exhibited a vivid imagination and proficiency in language skills.  She always received “As” in her English and, in high school, excelled in creative writing.  She even placed second in a short story contest sponsored by a popular teen magazine. It was exciting to see her […]

By rogerkallen

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The Power of Beliefs to Shape Our Experience…and Destiny

The Power of Beliefs to Shape Our Experience…and Destiny

“The things that you keep silently telling yourself are your most important conversations. Whatever you habitually dwell on in your mind, you will become, express, or experience. Your subconscious mind will be your best friend or your worst enemy. Everything depends on the way you train it and the use you make of it. It is your individual share […]

By rogerkallen

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