
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Confronting Poor Performance

Confronting Poor Performance

Do you manage people? If so then I want to let you know that I just launched a new, state-of-the-art video training course entitled: Performance Management: Confronting Poor Performing Employees. Many business owners, leaders, managers, and supervisors do a poor job of confronting problem behavior. They ignore or side-step sensitive issues hoping they’ll go away […]

By rogerkallen

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On Saying Our “Goodbyes”

On Saying Our “Goodbyes”

We are continually coming and going and so “Hellos” and “Goodbyes” are a natural part of our lives. Even though small, these are actually quite meaningful moments as we greet and depart from each other.

By rogerkallen

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India–A New Chapter in our Lives

India–A New Chapter in our Lives

I’ve mentioned in recent blog posts that my wife and I are going through some big life transitions. We have now sold our house, cars, most of our furniture, and given away most of other material possessions. Everything we own is now in a 200 square foot storage unit or four suitcases. The reason for […]

By rogerkallen

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Raising Responsible, Emotionally Mature Children

Raising Responsible, Emotionally Mature Children

I have written a new book on parenting. People have asked me why I wrote a book on this topic. It’s a good question and there are five reasons. I’m convinced of the importance of parenting. I have long believed that raising children is, for many of us, the most important work we’ll ever do. It’s […]

By rogerkallen

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Hero’s Choice Kindle Promotion

Hero’s Choice Kindle Promotion

Friends, I hope you’ve benefited from my last few newsletter/blog posts. If you haven’t seen them yet, you can find them here:  Unlearning Helplessness and Optimism and Health. A new whitepaper I have written entitled “Master Your Self-Defeating Emotions” is also available on Amazon.com for only 99 cents: http://amzn.com/B00FEQ8A02 With the release of the new […]

By rogerkallen

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