How to Strengthen Your Relationships

strengthening relationships

Hi friends,

Frankly, there is nothing (or little) more important than our relationships. It is our relationships that bring us joy (and heartache) and give our lives meaning. A primary reason is that  we are interdependent. None of us lives or works in isolation but in a community (family, team, neighborhood, nation, etc.) with other people. As I see it, our emotional and spiritual development and ability to make good things happen in this world cannot be separated from the quality of our relationships.


Furthermore, I believe that communication is at the heart of our relationships. Of course, there are lots of levels of communication. In fact, you’re always communicating, be it verbal or nonverbal. You cannot not communicate in the presence of another human being. You put out nonverbal cues. You engage in surface chit-chat. You exchange opinions and information. All of these are valid and useful forms of communication. They all have their place.

However, I want to go deeper. I’m talking about communication in which you:

  • Affirm others and bring out their best;
  • Build high levels of empathy, trust and goodwill;
  • Assert your point of view and know that you will be heard;
  • Influence others without being overly controlling;
  • Resolve negative feelings;
  • Negotiate win-win outcomes as disagreements come up.

Is there an opportunity, in your life, to grow yourself and strengthen your relationships by improving your communication skills?

I’ve just launched a new course entitled Communication Skills Masterclass: A Blueprint for Home and Work to give you a set of principles and skills to move your communication to a new level. 

Here’s what you’ll get in this course.
  • 6 hours on-demand video
  • A downloadable PDF with all the concepts and skills
  • 23 application exercises to help you practice what you are learning
  • An easy to remember blueprint to guide your interactions
  • Lots of examples of how to apply each of the skills
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • 100% money back guarantee

And I’m offering this to my followers at an incredibly low price of just $9.99 if you register in the next two days. Please note that this offer expires on January 25th at PST,  so act now to improve your communication and strengthen your relationships.

Click here to learn more or enroll.


Roger K. Allen, Ph.D.

“Wonderful and transformative course. I love that it is so practical and relatable. Most importantly this course will influence your mind to become a better version of yourself. Thank you, Roger.” Titilayo Ogunleye (Student in related course on resolving conflict)


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