
India–A New Chapter in our Lives

I’ve mentioned in recent blog posts that my wife and I are going through some big life transitions. We have now sold our house, cars, most of our furniture, and given away most of other material possessions. Everything we own is now in a 200 square foot storage unit or four suitcases.

The reason for our move is that we have been called to serve as missionaries for our church in New Delhi India for the next 18 months. We leave for training on October 5th and travel to the country on October 12th and are scheduled to return back home (Colorado, USA) in April 2017.

Although we won’t know the exact nature of our responsibilities until in India, we know that we’ll support new members and leaders of our church in their personal growth and spiritual development. We’ll help them understand the gospel more deeply and know how to administer the local affairs of the church. We’ll also likely be involved in various humanitarian projects providing aide and resources to the poor.

A Rich Heritage

We go to India with open hearts and minds. After all, India has an incredibly long and rich history and culture. So we look forward to understanding their customs and practices, religions (particularly Hinduism), and perspective on the world. India is not a single homogeneous culture but is complex and diverse. We could not be traveling to a more intriguing part of the world and want to honor and learn from their ways of life.

By going to India, my wife and I are more fully living our personal and spiritual values. The journey has already changed us as we close past chapters and open a new chapter in our lives. Although we don’t know exactly what is in store for us we know we’ll have incredible, even life-changing experiences.

I still want to blog while we’re in India. Frankly, I’m not entirely sure what this means at this time since we’ll have many responsibilities and be very busy. But I plan to continue writing (or doing videos) on the themes of personal development, happiness, and family relationships as well as share our experiences and insights from making a rather major change in our lifestyle and living in this unique land and among the amazing Indian people.

Stay tuned.




  1. Merlin Jenson

    How fortunate the people there will be to enjoy the enthusiasm of your wife and the experience and wisdom that you have gained over many years.

    • Roger Allen

      Thanks Merlin. You know a lot about the journey we’re on.

  2. Jack and Diann Saari

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May you find great joy in the journey. We love and appreciate all that you have done for us. God bless you and keep you safe. All our love…Jack and Diann

    • Roger Allen

      Thank you Jack and Diann. We are open to finding great joy in our work and in the country of India.

  3. John Chancellor

    Congratulations on taking this brave step. This should be a real growth and learning opportunity as you live your purpose. Good luck.

    • Roger Allen

      Thank you John. We are excited to learn and grow.

  4. Kirsten

    Wow! That is so awesome! What a great adventure for you guys. I hope you keep writing, so we can hear all about it.

    • Roger Allen

      Thanks Kirsten. We’ll write and maybe even do a few videos from the streets of New Delhi.

  5. Allan ryther

    Roger, good luck and safe travels embarking on this new adventure. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts.

    Hope you continue to write, share your thoughts and new experiences.

    • Roger Allen

      Thanks Allan. I hope to continue writing with some new twists as we experience India. Our best to you.

  6. Jim and Joanne Ullery

    Wow! That is quite the surprise. You will be terrific ambassitors in service to Jesus Christ! May you be blessed on your journey and safe from all the ills that society has a way of creating. You are loved by us and we want you to know that you will be in our daily prayers.

    Blessings to you and we know that you will be doing the Lords work while you are there.

    In the Spirit of Service,

    Jim and Joanne Ullery

    • Roger Allen

      Thanks Jim and Joanne. We appreciate your prayerful awareness of us. Life is all about service, as you well know.

  7. Ron Tanner

    Good Luck Roger. We look forward to hearing of your experiences and insights from India.

    • Roger Allen

      Thanks much Ron. Hopefully, we’ll have some good experiences and new insights to share.

  8. Dan Farland

    We wish you God speed You both will be Great!!!! Be safe you are in our prayers, Dan

    • Roger Allen

      Thanks, Dan. We appreciate your prayers.

  9. Jan Mayer

    We’re looking forward to reading your adventures and see how you will use your unique experiences to continue teaching eternal principles. You are in our thoughts and prayers!

    • Roger Allen

      Thank you Jan. Our friendship means a lot to us.

  10. Steve

    You’ll do well in India Roger & Judy! Best of Luck. Look forward to the updates!

    • Roger Allen

      Thanks, Steve. Your support has been invaluable through the years.

  11. Kent and Bonnie Fairchild

    Dear Friends,
    We are so happy for you and look forward to hearing about your adventures in India. Truly, serving a mission to Cambodia for us was life changing and so fulfilling. We grew to love the people, their culture, and the country.

    We have appreciated so much all that you have done for our family and your example of compassion and love.
    We know you will be a great blessing to those you serve in India.

    May the Lord bless you,
    Kent and Bonnie
    Mark, David, Mike and Emily (All those you have had such an influence on)

    • Roger Allen

      Thanks Kent and Bonnie, You have been examples of service for us. We love your family and appreciate well-wishes.

  12. Cynthia Hoffman

    So excited for you both. Will miss you!

  13. Keith Anderson

    Roger, we are so excited for you. About 165 years ago, my great grandfather went with that first group who were called to India. They were there less than 1 year. Then over 45 years ago, I served in the Southern Far East Mission of which India was a part. There were some members there, but not missionaries … I don’t believe that happened until the 1990’s. Our friends Peter and Kelly Sackley just returned in July after serving as mission president and companion. It is a wonderful place with marvelous opportunities and experiences awaiting you. Your talents and experience will be well untilized; your love and acceptance of others well received and appreciated. Your imminent journey causes me to think of your story about the City of Joy. Best wishes on this new chapter in your lives and great adventure.

    • Roger Allen

      Fascinating, Keith. Was that relative a Valentine? We know another Anderson who’s ancestor went to India in the early 1850s. Of course, we didn’t realize you knew the Sackley’s. We just missed them. We are looking forward to serving there and have some first hand experiences, perhaps like those found in the City of Joy.

  14. Kent Hutchison

    Roger – blessings to you for taking this adventure. I’ve only spent a month in India before – but I think you two will find the culture and people open to you and your ministry. Best of luck and keep the post coming.

  15. Mike Smith

    You will have a fantastic experience and work harder than you can imagine while impacting the lives of those you serve.

  16. Scott Cass


    For what you have done to help all of us see the truth through your help, may you be blessed by the same opportunity. You are a real life Superstar. Wow…this is true Courage! Thank you from everyone you have helped lead and to those who you will lead in India. May your path be guided by God and your experiences be fulfilling. May God bless every part of your travel with wisdom and kindness. And may you and your wife come back safe and enlightened.

    Thank you for everything you have done for me and those of use your have touched!



    • Roger Allen


      Thanks for your kind words and I hope the best for you and your loved ones. Perhaps our lives will cross again when we get back from India.



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