
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

4 Communication Styles: How to Grow Myself and My Relationships

4 Communication Styles: How to Grow Myself and My Relationships

I believe that communication is one of the key factors determining our success and how well how we navigate the world around us. Our ability to relate to other people, get things done, and develop close and healthy relationships can all be thought of as a function of our communication. Therefore, by improving how we […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Strengthen Your Relationships

How to Strengthen Your Relationships

Hi friends, Frankly, there is nothing (or little) more important than our relationships. It is our relationships that bring us joy (and heartache) and give our lives meaning. A primary reason is that  we are interdependent. None of us lives or works in isolation but in a community (family, team, neighborhood, nation, etc.) with other […]

By rogerkallen

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The Power of Commitment

The Power of Commitment

It’s a new year. Although I’m not one to promote the value of making New Year’s resolutions, I do want to talk about a related and relevant concept—the power of commitment. I hope to share my understanding of this word in a way that will help you realize your desires and aspirations. My Definition of […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Respond to an Accusation

How to Respond to an Accusation

I recently received a question from a student in my course “Become a Master at Conflict Management at Home or Work.” She asked, “How can I prevent my ego from getting in the way when my husband attacks me at the start of our conversation?” She went on to tell me that he snapped at […]

By rogerkallen

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What makes life easy or difficult, or any other way we judge it for that matter, is perspective. What matters most, about your life and mine, are not the objective facts or reality but rather the perspective from which we view those facts. View reality from one perspective and arrive at one conclusion. View it […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Say “No”

How to Say “No”

In my last post, I talked about the importance of setting boundaries to be clear about what you are and are not responsible for in your relationships. Awareness of boundaries is critical to protecting and taking care of yourself as well as respecting another’s agency and sense of self. In this article, I want to […]

By rogerkallen

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Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting Healthy Boundaries

I’ve been writing a lot about building relationships in these last several articles. Today I want to explore the practice of setting healthy boundaries. Not only do good relationships require empathy and caring for others but also taking care of ourselves or even sometimes protecting ourselves from others. I don’t mean protecting ourselves because others […]

By rogerkallen

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Asking for Support

Asking for Support

Someone recently asked me what I lessons I have learned as I look back on my career. I thought about his question and realized that I would have asked for more mentoring and even emotional support. Many of us think that we have to go it on our own. Even during adversity, we think we […]

By rogerkallen

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What My Customers and Students are Saying

“The Hero’s Choice is a compelling story that will teach you to live from the inside out rather than the outside in; to make choices, day in and day out, consistent with your highest self. I highly recommend it for anyone committed to living with purpose and meaning.”

Dr. Stephen R. Covey

author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and The 8th Habit“

g. Allen has established a new level of life coaching in The Hero’s Choice.” Richard R“Allen’s writing is compelling and penetrating. His character development is superb. I found myself experiencing intense dislike, compassion, mistrust, and ultimate empathy with each major player in the story. The novel contains a perfect balance of instruction and creative story telling. Allen has established a new level of life coaching in The Hero’s Choice.”

Richard R. Blake

Co-founder of Christian Education Resources and top Amazon reviewer

“This is a very powerful and compelling story. It will make you smile and it will also move you to tears. The writing style and story line reminds me of Og Mandino’s books. If you love his books you will surely love this one.”

John Chancellor

mentor and coach; founder of Teach the Soul and top Amazon reviewer

“After many years of counselors and reading and trying various methods, this is the one that made sense. A clear path to peace. I’m doing the workbook now. If you’re ready for the truth about yourself, buy the book and get busy.”

Kevin Whittington

“Pure delight! The Hero’s Choice is a timeless metaphor. A mysterious stranger guides the hero with practical wisdom, in the tradition of Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars and the master in Illusions by Richard Bach. Textured with layers of insight, this fictional drama resonates with a depth and beauty comparable to The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. The Hero’s Choice thoughtfully lifts not only the spirit, but reveals a way to live decently, compassionately, and happily.”

Charol Messenger

a book doctor, and author of The New Humanity and I’m Dancing As Fast As I Can

“This one is a must-read book for anyone who has felt that his or her life could be lived more effectively, more honestly, more joyfully. I loved this book. It made me laugh and made me cry. It was powerful and uplifting. Who thought self-improvement could be so enjoyable? I lost sleep because I could not put it down. The story of Hal Stratton teaches so effectively because it lets you experience and understand solid principles throught Hal’s life, family, challenges and choices. Read it. You will be glad you did. It is an uplifting, moving force for good.”

Mark Sabey

“Dr. Allen has written a powerful story about a man who sheds his preoccupation with ego and learns to live from integrity, courage and love. It beautifully illustrates how a person who discovers his soul can bring out the best in everyone around him. It’s a story of true leadership.”

Dr. Lance Secretan

award winning columnist, speaker, coach, consultant and author of One: The Art and Practice of Conscious Leadership

“An inspiring tale that celebrates the power of possibility and human potential. A must-read for anyone traversing the whitewater of involuntary career transition.”

Jan Austin

founder of Coach U. training program and author of What No One Ever Tells You about Leading for Results

“The Hero’s Choice teaches a new way of being within the workplace—a way of being based on authenticity, accountability, honesty and love. It will teach and inspire each of us to make our companies great places to work.”

Larry Wilson

founder of Wilson Learning and author of Play to Win: Choosing Growth over Fear in Work and Life and Changing the Game: The New Way to Sell

“I like self-help books and read them fairly often but I’ve never read one where I became so involved because of the story and found it as helpful as The Hero’s Choice: Leading From the Inside Out.”

Amazon Reviewer

“Brilliant! I got chills reading it. Dr. Allen’s engaging story reveals simple steps that transform enormous, stressful trials into peaceful and productive encounters. I wish I had been exposed to these invaluable principles long ago. This is a powerful book that will change lives.”

Alfred T. Zirkle

international speaker and president of IndustryPro

“I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. The characters are well developed and believable. What the main characters go through is so close to what many people are experiencing in real life right now, I had to keep reminding myself this is just a novel, not reality. I began the book during my daily public transportation commute but soon found 20-minute chunks of reading time were not sufficient. I finished the book on my third night because I could no longer stand to put it down. I loved the resolution and the plot. I’m ready for a sequel!”

Amazon Reviewer

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