Claiming Your Power to Live a Happy and Abundant Life

woman jumping for joy, representing living a happy life

Hi my friend,

As I’ve let you know in recent blog posts, I’ve recently launched a new video course entitled, “Claiming Your Power to Live a Happy and Abundant Life!”

The course is based on three truths:

First is that you want to be happy. You don’t wake up in the morning thinking, “My goal, today, is to see how miserable I can be.” Your desire to be happy is your natural state, as natural as eating, sleeping, and breathing. Many of your day-to-day activities (both what you do and avoid) are your attempts to find joy and meaning in your life.

The second truth is that life is hard. You need not look far to encounter hardships or even suffering in this life. You were born into an imperfect world, to imperfect caregivers and have likely had hard experiences, perhaps even beginning at an early age, which have caused you to feel emotional pain, fear, insecurity, inadequacy, and resentment. Although life is easier for some than others, most people experience their share of setbacks, loss, unfulfilled expectations, and just plain hard times.

The third truth is that you have the ability to choose. The facts, circumstances, and events of your life don’t define you. The course will help you stop waiting for others and circumstances to change and empower you to take ownership of your life. You will learn a powerful model that will enable you to create your experience rather than react to circumstances and what happens to you.

More specifically, you’ll learn:

  • Over twenty strategies from positive psychology and the science of happiness to put yourself in a happy state of mind.
  • Tools to quiet yourself and find fulfillment and inner peace.
  • The know-how to give up waiting for “out-there” to change and take ownership of your life.
  • The knowledge to handle and overcome negative feelings.
  • How to choose empowering thoughts, feelings, and behavior in any circumstance.
  • How to change the narrative in your mind and tell yourself empowering, uplifting stories about yourself and life.

Check it out

Want a test drive before you buy? Although you don’t have a lot to lose at this low price, I invite you to go to my course landing page and take a look at the free, preview videos.

This course features:

  • Seven hours of on-demand video
  • 21 exercises or handouts
  • Full lifetime access
  • Free downloadable folder with audio files of all the lectures
  • Access on mobile device or tv
  • 30-day money back guarantee
  • Certificate of completion at end of course

I’ve taught hundreds of personal development workshops to thousands of people and am pleased to offer this program about the psychology of happiness to you.

Here are just a few testimonials from people who have been through my personal development courses:

“I want so much to express my deepest love and gratitude for teaching me in such a beautiful way those principles of truth that literally changed my life overnight. I have never been happier. The things I learned from you have set me free because I have learned to love myself and to be completely open and honest. It’s amazing that I have lived my whole life for others approval but I’m so excited to have the rest of my life to do it my way.” Sally Hollingshead

“Your class has totally transformed my life. I will never see myself or my life in the same light. I am committed to living my life with depth and meaning.” Joan Hall

“When I first heard about your work, I did not envision what I would accomplish in terms of personal growth. It sounded wonderful because I had known other participants still glowing from their experiences. The course required work on my part but the effort created the extremely positive atmosphere in which I now live.” Dorothy Flores

The discounted price will only last for the next week, so enroll now by clicking here.

And please feel free to share this promotional discount with other family members or friends who you think would benefit from the strategies and skills taught within the course.

I look forward to seeing you in the course.

Roger Allen



  1. Kristin Karwaski

    Hi there. How do I purchase this workshop?

    • rogerkallen

      Hi Kriste. Sorry for my slow response. I’m out of the country and don’t have my usual access. You should be able to go to the program and click on the enroll button. Let me know if this doesn’t work.

      You can also go to the Udemy platform and look the program up under CPR and Positive Psychology.


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