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How to Become Emotionally Mature

By Roger Allen

By Roger K. Allen, Ph.D.

This book teaches you the principles and skills to become emotionally mature. It demonstrates how to become a person who conquers life rather than being a victim of life; a person who is responsible for life rather than reactive to life. Although not everyone is going to be beautiful, intelligent, rich, or famous, you can learn the skills of emotional maturity and, thereby, gain great personal satisfaction and meaning in your life. I hope you enjoy this most important journey.

As you can see from the diagram below, we choose, consciously or unconsciously, to move in one of two directions as we encounter difficult circumstances and events. This book will help you understand the five core strategies that will put you on the pathway to emotional maturity.
Strategy  #1: BE PRESENT Paying attention and being fully aware of what is going on within and around you at any given moment.  It allows you to be in the driver’s seat of life and is the context from which you make choices.
Strategy #2: EMBRACE REALITY Reality is the way things are; the context from which you live.  Deny or fight it and it persists.  Recognize and accept it and you have new choices about it.
Strategy #3: EXERCISE RESPONSIBLITY Your willingness to recognize choices available at any given moment.  The quality of your life depends not on circumstances and events (reality), but the choices you make regarding these.
Strategy #4: CLARIFY YOUR VISION Being clear about what you want in this moment as well as in the long-run.  As you get clear about your vision, you will be proactive and make things happen rather than waiting for them to happen.
Strategy #5: ACT FROM INTEGRITY The state of mind in which you are willing to do everything necessary to produce a result.  It has to do with acting consistently with your vision and, thereby, making it reality.
More than understanding, the e-book will give you lots of useful exercises to practice and master the strategies.  By going through the book, you’ll grow in emotional maturity so you become a person who is responsible rather than reactive during the challenges of life. The book will help you:
  • Grow in emotional maturity
  • Handle challenges with less drama
  • Improve your relationships
  • Achieve your goals more easily
  • Gain respect of friends, family, co-workers and boss
So, sign up here to grow in personal maturity and gain greater success, happiness, and meaning in your life.  
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I want so much to express my deepest love and gratitude for teaching me in such a beautiful way those principles of truth that literally changed my life overnight. I have never been happier. The things I learned from you have set me free because I have learned to love myself and to be completely open and honest. It’s amazing that I have lived my whole life for others approval but I’m so excited to have the rest of my life to do it my way.

Sally Hollingshead

“How do you describe in words something that has changed your whole life? We learned to deal with situations so that everyone can win. It is an experience that has changed our entire attitude in dealing with our marriage, family and friends.”

Ted and Jane Newcomb

“Your class has totally transformed my life. I will never see myself or my life in the same light. I am committed to living my life with depth and meaning.”

Joan Hall

“I discovered more about myself in 40 hours than the past 30 years. Life has new meaning and I’m able to cope with life’s problems. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself.”

Diane Nystrom

“When I first heard about your work, I did not envision what I would accomplish in terms of personal growth. It sounded wonderful because I had known other participants still glowing from their experiences. The course required work on my part but the effort created the extremely positive atmosphere in which I now live.”

Dorothy Flores

“I want to write and thank-you for the workshop I attended. It was fantastic! I feel so much lighter and happier. I am determined to do everything I can to keep on this high; to live from my true self. Thank-you so, so much!”

Linda Boice

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