

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

A Story of Gratitude

A Story of Gratitude

In my studies of gratitude, I came across a beautiful story of gratitude told by Maureen Deuterma. It offers a perspective of what matter most. Email from a Friend I received an email from a friend of mine today sharing the good news that he had been promoted to vice president in a prestigious company. […]

By rogerkallen

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Giving Thanks for the Whole of Life

Giving Thanks for the Whole of Life

The Thanksgiving holiday, which we’re celebrating in the US this week, has always been a favorite of mine. Not only is it less commercialized than other holidays, but it invites peaceful reflection and giving thanks for the good things in our lives. We often offer our thanks around a dinner table with family and friends. […]

By rogerkallen

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A Perfect Happiness Score

A Perfect Happiness Score

I talked, in my last post, about what we learn from science about happiness and suggested three core themes from the happiness literature (the ABCs of happiness). I want to continue this topic by sharing a short video on the topic. Before you watch it, let me just share a bit of the backstory. The […]

By rogerkallen

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Scarcity vs Abundance

Scarcity vs Abundance

Do you live, primarily, from a scarcity or abundance mentality? Moment by moment you make this choice. The good news is that you don’t need to wait until you have achieved more, accumulated more wealth, status or power, or until you’ve overcome all your weaknesses to make this decision.

By rogerkallen

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Which Wolf are You Feeding?

Which Wolf are You Feeding?

The fight between evil and good is going on inside each of us. Which wins will be determined by the one you feed.

By rogerkallen

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Gratitude to Unseen Others

Gratitude to Unseen Others

I’m very mindful, as I sit at my computer this morning, of the utter horror of last weekend’s shooting in Las Vegas. My emotions vacillate from shock to anger to sadness that something so inhumane can happen, yet again, in America. Such events occur all too frequently and effect each of us deeply as we search […]

By rogerkallen

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Making the World a More Benevolent Place

Making the World a More Benevolent Place

Benevolent is my new word. It has been on my mind a lot in recent weeks and months, particularly given what we’re going through as a nation and world. The Meaning of Benevolence The simple definition of the word is a desire to do good to others, to be charitable, to act kindly. I think […]

By rogerkallen

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Seeing the Goodness and Abundance of Life

Seeing the Goodness and Abundance of Life

I have a number of guiding principles which I review in the mornings during my personal time. One of them is “I trust the goodness and abundance of life.” Now I have to admit that life is not all goodness and bliss. In fact, Life is hard, perhaps harder for some than others, but nonetheless […]

By rogerkallen

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