
Empowering people to make strengthening choices



What makes life easy or difficult, or any other way we judge it for that matter, is perspective. What matters most, about your life and mine, are not the objective facts or reality but rather the perspective from which we view those facts. View reality from one perspective and arrive at one conclusion. View it […]

By rogerkallen

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Predicting Resilience

Predicting Resilience

I define resilience as our ability to handle hard things. It has to do with the thought and behavior patterns that we develop in the face of adversity and hardship. In my article, today, I want to share some general thoughts about the nature of adversity and then explore ways we can predict resilience and […]

By rogerkallen

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Build Resilience by Leaning into the Hard Things in Your Life

Build Resilience by Leaning into the Hard Things in Your Life

I hope it was meaningful for you to read the stories of Jim and Chris in my last couple of blog posts. Actually, I could have shared so many other stories (and will in the future). As I observe people in my life, I recognize and honor that so many of you have faced challenging, […]

By rogerkallen

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You Want Me To Do Hard Things? Why Bother? Thoughts from a Disillusioned Worker

You Want Me To Do Hard Things? Why Bother? Thoughts from a Disillusioned Worker

Then I wrote a couple of blogs recently on the value of doing hard things. One of my readers agreed with my premise but also went on to share a different take on this theme that has to do with becoming a disillusioned worker. Here’s what he said: “I worked very hard when my kids […]

By rogerkallen

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How Will You Handle Hardship?

How Will You Handle Hardship?

Little Maria Monique came down with a severe lung infection.  It might have been treatable in the US, but in her home of Indonesia, the doctors weren’t able to treat her.  Her mother, Tjahja, sold everything she owned and flew with her daughter to Singapore for more advanced medical care.  Doctors there were more equipped […]

By rogerkallen

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