

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt

Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt

In my last blog post (http://www.theheroschoice.com/2015/03/26/deal-with-troubles/), I gave you a method for handling whatever is troubling you. Essentially, the method is to stop ignoring or distracting yourself from a troubling situation and face it. This means being fully present to your inner experience (emotions and thoughts) which are triggered by the situation without acting them […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Deal with Whatever is Troubling You

How to Deal with Whatever is Troubling You

We all have things that trouble us—situations or circumstances that are undesired and cause us distress in the form of anger or frustration, fear or anxiety, sadness or depression, guilt or inadequacy. Some of these situations are temporary, but others are long-term or even permanent and may rob us of our vitality and well-being. Here […]

By rogerkallen

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Beyond Success

Beyond Success

We Want to Succeed! One of my core beliefs  is that people want to succeed. Nobody wakes up in the morning thinking, “Today I’m going to see how many ways I can fail… or make my life miserable.” The desire to succeed is innate in each of us. The question is, what is success? Society […]

By rogerkallen

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