being present

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Slower is Faster-My New Year’s Mantra

Slower is Faster-My New Year’s Mantra

Looking back It’s hard to believe it’s the end of another year. Time seems to fly by so quickly. And so I’m looking back, thinking about where I’ve been, what I’ve experienced and accomplished this past year and anticipating a new year. What will this new year bring? (Frankly, some of it is totally outside […]

By rogerkallen

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The Goal of Managing Stress—Accessing Your Wise Mind

The Goal of Managing Stress—Accessing Your Wise Mind

I my last article I talked about how our brains and bodies respond to stress. Today I want to explore the goal of stress management which is achieving an optimal state of arousal in the middle of a threat. As you can see from this diagram, the mind can be in optimal arousal (necessary to […]

By rogerkallen

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The Practice of Mindfulness

The Practice of Mindfulness

I’ve recently been writing about various ways to nourish that unseen part of ourselves—our hearts or souls. Learning to nourish our hearts leads to feelings of peace and well-being, even in a chaotic world. One of the most powerful ways to nourish ourselves is the practice of mindfulness. This is a popular concept these days and […]

By rogerkallen

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The Power of Stillness

The Power of Stillness

The Power of Stillness One way of nourishing yourself is through stillness. This is quieting the mind and body by placing your full attention on the present moment. As you’ve heard me say before, our world is filled with noise and distractions which alienate us from our inner, higher selves. We are continually connected to […]

By rogerkallen

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The Power of Being Present

The Power of Being Present

I’ve recently been writing about “becoming,” one of the three core principles of living a joyful life. I define becoming as growing into a more mature human being, someone able to bring your best self to the situations and challenges of life. Although there are many ways you can grow yourself spiritually and emotionally, today I […]

By rogerkallen

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A Perfect Happiness Score

A Perfect Happiness Score

I talked, in my last post, about what we learn from science about happiness and suggested three core themes from the happiness literature (the ABCs of happiness). I want to continue this topic by sharing a short video on the topic. Before you watch it, let me just share a bit of the backstory. The […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Support Someone Who is Grieving

How to Support Someone Who is Grieving

In my last post, I talked about the “how” of listening and gave you a set of seven guidelines to become a better listener. Now I want to point to a special case of listening. How do you support someone who is grieving? What do you say or do when someone is going through grief […]

By rogerkallen

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Calm Heart and Clear Mind

Calm Heart and Clear Mind

I have learned that the best thing I can do when things are not going my way is to stop trying so hard. I need to step back, quiet myself, be present, and simply observe. From this emerges a calm heart and clear mind which enables me to take better, more effective action.

By rogerkallen

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