

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting Healthy Boundaries

I’ve been writing a lot about building relationships in these last several articles. Today I want to explore the practice of setting healthy boundaries. Not only do good relationships require empathy and caring for others but also taking care of ourselves or even sometimes protecting ourselves from others. I don’t mean protecting ourselves because others […]

By rogerkallen

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Asking for Support

Asking for Support

Someone recently asked me what I lessons I have learned as I look back on my career. I thought about his question and realized that I would have asked for more mentoring and even emotional support. Many of us think that we have to go it on our own. Even during adversity, we think we […]

By rogerkallen

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Creating Mutual Respect

Creating Mutual Respect

In my last article, I wrote about seeing people deeply. Today I want to explore a related concept, respect and how to create mutual respect. The dictionary defines respect as “to hold in high regard; to feel or show honor or esteem towards something or someone.” Although we think of respect as behaving in a […]

By rogerkallen

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A Circle of Healing

A Circle of Healing

I recently learned about a Rabbi by the name of Sharon Brous, a founder of a Jewish Community in Los Angeles. Rabbi Brous recently wrote a book entitled, “The Amen Effect: Ancient Wisdom to Mend our Broken Hearts and the World” in which she writes about a circle of healing and underscores the importance of […]

By rogerkallen

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A Soft Answer

A Soft Answer

I want to suggest that there is power in a soft answer. By soft answer I mean a soft response to some sort of provocation, or at least what feels to you like a provocation. I don’t mean, necessarily, that someone is deliberately inciting or goading you into reacting. Although it may mean that, I’m […]

By rogerkallen

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Five Strategies to Build Meaningful Relationships

Five Strategies to Build Meaningful Relationships

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash There’s a lot of evidence that positive relationships are the most important factor in our happiness and well-being. And I want to suggest that building meaningful relationships requires intentionality on our part. They don’t happen by magic. Nor do they happen by waiting for others to take the […]

By rogerkallen

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Fundamentals of Life Coaching–Launch of a New Course

Fundamentals of Life Coaching–Launch of a New Course

I often hear people say that want to make a meaningful contribution. They want to make a difference to others. And that is what draws them to the field of life coaching and why life coaching is so exciting. For that reason, I’ve just launched a new course to teach you the fundamentals of life […]

By rogerkallen

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A Peak into a Coaching Conversation

A Peak into a Coaching Conversation

I’m offering you, in this article, a peak into a coaching conversation.  I’m doing it for two reasons. First, perhaps you can learn something for your own life from how  coach helps a woman navigate an upsetting set-back. And second, you don’t have to be a professional life coach to help other people. In other […]

By rogerkallen

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