friendship in marriage

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

How to Increase Play and Recreation in Marriage

How to Increase Play and Recreation in Marriage

  A big strategy that gets at the heart of building positive feelings and friendship in your relationship with your partner is play and recreation. By this I mean doing activities that are fun and which you can do together. Number One Factor in Marital Happiness Marriage researchers at the University of Denver did a […]

By rogerkallen

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Getting to Know Your Partner Deeply

Getting to Know Your Partner Deeply

As I pointed out in my last article, one of the characteristics of successful and satisfying relationships is “positive sentiment override.” This means that you have built up enough positive feelings (friendship) towards each other that you’re able to withstand the inevitable disappointments, conflicts, and just plain hard times in your marriage. One way to […]

By rogerkallen

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Happy vs. Unhappy Couples

Happy vs. Unhappy Couples

The purpose of this article is to talk about friendship in marriage. But first, I need to tell you about the research of John Gottman at the University of Washington in Seattle. Gottman may be the most respected researcher on marriage in the world. For four decades now, John and his wife Julie have studied […]

By rogerkallen

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