

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

A Story of Gratitude

A Story of Gratitude

In my studies of gratitude, I came across a beautiful story of gratitude told by Maureen Deuterma. It offers a perspective of what matter most. Email from a Friend I received an email from a friend of mine today sharing the good news that he had been promoted to vice president in a prestigious company. […]

By rogerkallen

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Tips to Feel More Peace During the Holidays

Tips to Feel More Peace During the Holidays

We look forward to this season as “the most wonderful time of the year” and yet we may privately dread the disruption of our normal routines as well as the heightened demands and expectations (shopping, cleaning, decorating, cooking, gathering, entertaining) inherent in the holiday season. Isn’t it ironic that a holiday rooted in religious traditions […]

By rogerkallen

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Giving Thanks for the Whole of Life

Giving Thanks for the Whole of Life

The Thanksgiving holiday, which we’re celebrating in the US this week, has always been a favorite of mine. Not only is it less commercialized than other holidays, but it invites peaceful reflection and giving thanks for the good things in our lives. We often offer our thanks around a dinner table with family and friends. […]

By rogerkallen

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Tips to Be Happy-What We Know from Science

Tips to Be Happy-What We Know from Science

I’ve long been interested in understanding happiness and, consequently, have stayed abreast of this body of research over the last several years. Now I want to share what I’ve learned from the  science of happiness (as well as share a number of tips to be happy). According to science, our happiness can be attributed to […]

By rogerkallen

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Let’s Give Thanks

Let’s Give Thanks

As I’ve shared before, being grateful is more highly linked to mental health, happiness, and well-being than any other character trait. And the good news is that we can cultivate gratitude through deliberate practice. So, here are a few of my favorite quotes on gratitude: “Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” Anonymous  “Be thankful […]

By rogerkallen

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Appreciating-A Key to Happiness

Appreciating-A Key to Happiness

Research tells us that people who have grateful hearts are happier, less depressed, and less stressed than those who are less grateful. They report a greater sense of purpose, more control over their lives, greater self-acceptance, and more optimism. They are more empathetic, more forgiving, less materialistic and have more positive ways of coping with difficulties.

By rogerkallen

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Gratitude to Unseen Others

Gratitude to Unseen Others

I’m very mindful, as I sit at my computer this morning, of the utter horror of last weekend’s shooting in Las Vegas. My emotions vacillate from shock to anger to sadness that something so inhumane can happen, yet again, in America. Such events occur all too frequently and effect each of us deeply as we search […]

By rogerkallen

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The Three Sources of Happiness

The Three Sources of Happiness

A couple of years ago I started on a journey to understand happiness. It’s a concept that has been well studied in the past fifteen years. Social scientists have learned a lot about the mental strategies of happy people, strategies which can be used by anyone who wants to increase their happiness and well-being.In particular, […]

By rogerkallen

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