
healthy relationships

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Our Common Humanity

Our Common Humanity

There is something powerful about recognizing our common humanity. By this I mean acknowledging that we, as human beings, share similar experiences. We are all imperfect and make mistakes. There is not a person alive who has not experienced suffering, stress, loss and pain. And we hold similar aspirations. We want to be loved, achieve […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Improve Listening Skills

How to Improve Listening Skills

If you’ve been with me the last several weeks, you know I’m writing about the importance and power of listening. Now I want to talk about how to improve listening skills. I use the word “skill” because listening is something we can practice and develop. But, truthfully, I’m not sure “skill” is the best word […]

By rogerkallen

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Poor Listening Skills

Poor Listening Skills

I’ve been posting a lot about listening recently. This is because I believe your success, in any role, depends so much on your ability to listen. There is not a communication skill more important to building good relationships and solving problems than learning how to actively listen and really hear what others are saying. And […]

By rogerkallen

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The Art of Deep Listening

The Art of Deep Listening

 Listening is thought of as a soft skill. Perhaps the softest of the soft skills. What’s the big deal, we might ask? We listen every day. It’s something we learned to do as children and it comes naturally. And yet, I’m going to suggest that it is not that easy to learn the skill […]

By rogerkallen

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