
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

The Power of Kindness

The Power of Kindness

The philosopher Plato is quoted as saying, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”   We don’t know that battles that are going on in the lives and hearts of others. But they are real and we can make life a little easier as we practice the power of […]

By rogerkallen

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The Little Things That Make a Big Difference-Caring Days

The Little Things That Make a Big Difference-Caring Days

( In my last article I talked about how we respond to one another’s bids. Do we turn toward, away, or against? As we learn to turn towards our partners, we’re putting deposits into their love accounts. Closely related is an idea called “Caring Days” which is a way to build friendship by restoring feelings […]

By rogerkallen

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Friendship in Marriage

Friendship in Marriage

For many couples marriage is a difficult journey. Since the early 1970’s close to 50% of all marriages in America have ended in divorce. An even higher percentage of second marriages end in divorce. And many of those couples who stick it out express dissatisfaction and, at some point, seriously consider ending their relationship. Indeed, […]

By rogerkallen

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