
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Negotiating Expectations in Marriage

Negotiating Expectations in Marriage

Expectations are the specific beliefs that you have brought into your marriage about the way things will or should be. In general, if your expectations are met then you are happy. If not, you experience disappointment and frustration. Therefore, understanding and learning to negotiate your expectations is a key factor in your marital success.

By rogerkallen

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Friendship in Marriage

Friendship in Marriage

For many couples marriage is a difficult journey. Since the early 1970’s close to 50% of all marriages in America have ended in divorce. An even higher percentage of second marriages end in divorce. And many of those couples who stick it out express dissatisfaction and, at some point, seriously consider ending their relationship. Indeed, […]

By rogerkallen

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Who’s Your Travel Partner?

Who’s Your Travel Partner?

Whether you consider your marriage strong or weak, you can only benefit from strengthening it.  Yesterday  you did a self-assessment.  Now let’s take a look at the triad that is your marriage – you, your partner, and the unique team that the two of you form together.   Let’s begin with a little quiz.  You can […]

By rogerkallen

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Is Your Marriage The “Happily Ever After” You Dreamed Of?

Is Your Marriage The “Happily Ever After” You Dreamed Of?

A short time later, he heard Kathy’s SUV pull into the garage.  He was surprised she didn’t immediately burst into the shop and light into him for not accepting Sam’s offer. When Susie called him to dinner, he realized why.  Kathy brought the subject up not more than a couple minutes into the meal.  “Sam […]

By rogerkallen

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