

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Managing Anxiety: My Personal Story of Coping With Stress

Managing Anxiety: My Personal Story of Coping With Stress

People are experiencing higher levels of anxiety, in our society today, than ever before. So I want to offer you a powerful process for managing anxiety by sharing a personal story from early in my career. A Daunting Request I had just graduated from the University of Minnesota with my Ph.D. in counseling psychology and […]

By rogerkallen

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Slower is Faster-My New Year’s Mantra

Slower is Faster-My New Year’s Mantra

Looking back It’s hard to believe it’s the end of another year. Time seems to fly by so quickly. And so I’m looking back, thinking about where I’ve been, what I’ve experienced and accomplished this past year and anticipating a new year. What will this new year bring? (Frankly, some of it is totally outside […]

By rogerkallen

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Managing Stress and Building Resilience Masterclass

Managing Stress and Building Resilience Masterclass

I’m happy to let you know that my new on-line video course (Managing Stress and Building Resilience Masterclass) went live last week. It’s already getting a great response and reviews. And the good news is that you can buy it for $9.99 (an incredibly low price if you purchase it in the next four days). […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Be Less Emotionally Reactive

How to Be Less Emotionally Reactive

Hello my friend, Today, I want to talk about a reactive mindset. I know from my own experience as well as working with thousands of people that it is easy to be reactive. By reactive I mean we let events, circumstances, and other people determine our feelings and/or actions and then we act in ways […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Meditate

How to Meditate

As you’re probably aware, I’ve been writing about finding deeper fulfillment in our lives by nourishing our hearts and spirits. One practice that I want to mention is meditation. There are many ways of meditating. Breathing, mindfulness and savoring, which I’ve discussed recently, are all forms of meditation. In fact, meditation is any practice in […]

By rogerkallen

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The Practice of Mindfulness

The Practice of Mindfulness

I’ve recently been writing about various ways to nourish that unseen part of ourselves—our hearts or souls. Learning to nourish our hearts leads to feelings of peace and well-being, even in a chaotic world. One of the most powerful ways to nourish ourselves is the practice of mindfulness. This is a popular concept these days and […]

By rogerkallen

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The Power of Stillness

The Power of Stillness

The Power of Stillness One way of nourishing yourself is through stillness. This is quieting the mind and body by placing your full attention on the present moment. As you’ve heard me say before, our world is filled with noise and distractions which alienate us from our inner, higher selves. We are continually connected to […]

By rogerkallen

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Savoring Life

Savoring Life

I’ll be Happy When… We often associate happiness and joy with some future event  or circumstance. “I’ll be happy when I graduate and go to college…” “I get married…. “I have children…” “The children are grown and on their own…” “I get my new house/car…” “I retire and get out of this rat race…” “I […]

By rogerkallen

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