
overcoming depression

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Let Yourself feel Sad to Recover from Depression

Let Yourself feel Sad to Recover from Depression

We don’t want to feel sad or depressed and so we tend to block out these physical sensations and divert ourselves from these feelings. But from neuroscience we know, even though it sounds counterintuitive, that letting yourself feel sad can help you recover from depression. Norman Farb and Zindel Segal, a couple of distinguished psychologists, […]

By rogerkallen

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Strategies to Overcome Depression

Strategies to Overcome Depression

In my last blog I talked about depression, its nature, symptoms and causes. In this post, I am presenting strategies to overcome depression. The good news about depression is that it is the most treatable of all mental disorders. In fact, 80% of people who suffer from this illness will achieve substantial, if not full […]

By rogerkallen

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