
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Oh Well! supporting myself no matter what

Oh Well! supporting myself no matter what

It's good to come from oh well. We do our best, knowing it falls short. Yet we can still decide to support ourselves no matter what.

By rogerkallen

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Seeing the Goodness and Abundance of Life

Seeing the Goodness and Abundance of Life

I have a number of guiding principles which I review in the mornings during my personal time. One of them is “I trust the goodness and abundance of life.” Now I have to admit that life is not all goodness and bliss. In fact, Life is hard, perhaps harder for some than others, but nonetheless […]

By rogerkallen

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Being True to My Deepest Values

Being True to My Deepest Values

“Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.” -Anne Sexton (1928-1974) A Beautiful Hike My wife and I were driving in the beautiful Colorado mountains back in late September. For those of you who know Colorado, we were driving over Independence Pass, a stretch of highway between Leadville/Buena Vista and Aspen. Just a […]

By rogerkallen

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