

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

The Discipline to Do Hard Things-A Key to Resilience

The Discipline to Do Hard Things-A Key to Resilience

I realize that there is a strong connection between resilience and the discipline to do hard things. Knowing that I can do hard things gives me the inner strength to face all the challenges of my life–be they physical, social, emotional or mental. So in this post I want to share about a personal experience […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Stop Procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastinating

Most of us procrastinate, be it putting off doing the dishes, cleaning the house, paying bills, getting a report done at work, having a sensitive conversation, getting started on that book I’ve always wanted to write, going to the gym, and so on. Procrastination is not complex. It comes down to this—we trade doing what […]

By rogerkallen

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