relationships and happiness

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Do You Relate from Fear, Duty, or Love?

Do You Relate from Fear, Duty, or Love?

So much of the quality of your relationships has less to do with other people and more to do with who and how you are in relation to other people. What are the attitudes and perceptions that you come from as you interact with others? In truth, you can do a lot to build healthy […]

By rogerkallen

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The Power of Kindness

The Power of Kindness

The philosopher Plato is quoted as saying, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”   We don’t know that battles that are going on in the lives and hearts of others. But they are real and we can make life a little easier as we practice the power of […]

By rogerkallen

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Five Strategies to Build Meaningful Relationships

Five Strategies to Build Meaningful Relationships

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash There’s a lot of evidence that positive relationships are the most important factor in our happiness and well-being. And I want to suggest that building meaningful relationships requires intentionality on our part. They don’t happen by magic. Nor do they happen by waiting for others to take the […]

By rogerkallen

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Happy vs. Unhappy Couples

Happy vs. Unhappy Couples

The purpose of this article is to talk about friendship in marriage. But first, I need to tell you about the research of John Gottman at the University of Washington in Seattle. Gottman may be the most respected researcher on marriage in the world. For four decades now, John and his wife Julie have studied […]

By rogerkallen

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Self-Responsibility (Owning What’s Inside Rather than Trying to Change What’s Outside)

Self-Responsibility (Owning What’s Inside Rather than Trying to Change What’s Outside)

Self-responsibility is the key to a happy and successful life. Consider that there are two types of problems– “out there” and “in here.” By “out there” I’m talking about events and circumstances. Your neighbor’s dog does its business in front of your house every morning. Your mother-in-law criticizes how you’re raising your kids. A co-worker […]

By rogerkallen

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Boundaries in Marriage

Boundaries in Marriage

When we get clear about boundaries we can make choices rather than just react. We become empowered. We can now search for creative solutions to what seemed to be intractable problems.

By rogerkallen

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Negotiating Expectations in Marriage

Negotiating Expectations in Marriage

Expectations are the specific beliefs that you have brought into your marriage about the way things will or should be. In general, if your expectations are met then you are happy. If not, you experience disappointment and frustration. Therefore, understanding and learning to negotiate your expectations is a key factor in your marital success.

By rogerkallen

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Friendship in Marriage

Friendship in Marriage

For many couples marriage is a difficult journey. Since the early 1970’s close to 50% of all marriages in America have ended in divorce. An even higher percentage of second marriages end in divorce. And many of those couples who stick it out express dissatisfaction and, at some point, seriously consider ending their relationship. Indeed, […]

By rogerkallen

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