

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Managing Stress and Building Resilience Masterclass

Managing Stress and Building Resilience Masterclass

I’m happy to let you know that my new on-line video course (Managing Stress and Building Resilience Masterclass) went live last week. It’s already getting a great response and reviews. And the good news is that you can buy it for $9.99 (an incredibly low price if you purchase it in the next four days). […]

By rogerkallen

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Build Resilience by Leaning into the Hard Things in Your Life

Build Resilience by Leaning into the Hard Things in Your Life

I hope it was meaningful for you to read the stories of Jim and Chris in my last couple of blog posts. Actually, I could have shared so many other stories (and will in the future). As I observe people in my life, I recognize and honor that so many of you have faced challenging, […]

By rogerkallen

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Resilience in the Face of Chronic Stress

Resilience in the Face of Chronic Stress

In my last post, I shared a story of a friend who showed resilience after suffering a serious bicycle accident. It is an example of recovering from an acute stressor. And yet sometimes, even when no trauma is involved, life feels harsh and relentless. Just getting by day-to-day takes something out of us. So let […]

By rogerkallen

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A Story of Resilience

A Story of Resilience

I’ve spent a lot of time, these past several months, thinking about and researching the topic of resilience. As a matter of fact, I’ll be launching a new course on this topic in the next month or so. The purpose of the course is to help you become a stronger person, mentally and emotionally. I’ll […]

By rogerkallen

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Learning to be Optimistic

Learning to be Optimistic

We often think of certain attributes such as optimism and pessimism as givens, permanent and ingrained into our personalities, something that we have little control over or can do nothing about. That’s not a very helpful point of view. It renders us helpless, powerless, victims of either our genetics or early child upbringing. However, scientists […]

By rogerkallen

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Bouncing Back-Lessons from Watching a Child Learn to Walk

Bouncing Back-Lessons from Watching a Child Learn to Walk

What if we use setbacks to inspire and motivate rather than deflate us?

By rogerkallen

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How to Build High Self-Esteem

How to Build High Self-Esteem

One way we develop self-esteem is by learning resilience--practicing positive mental strategies to support ourselves when life gets tough.

By rogerkallen

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How to Handle Your Disappointments

How to Handle Your Disappointments

I think of disappointment as a situation or event when reality does not match our hopes or expectations. It is when things don’t go as we’ve planned or at least would like them to go. It’s a common human experience. We’ve all been disappointed—lots. For example I was disappointed to learn, recently, about my heart […]

By rogerkallen

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