
resolving conflict

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Resolving Conflict in Marriage–A Case Study

Resolving Conflict in Marriage–A Case Study

In a previous article, I introduced a four-phase process for resolving conflict in marriage and other relationships. Here is a quick review of those phases. The first phase is preparation in which you put yourself in the mental state to step up to conflict in a helpful way. Phase two is invitation in which you […]

By rogerkallen

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Overcome Resistance Through Listening

Overcome Resistance Through Listening

Resistance is common, whether at home or work. You propose an idea and someone pushes back. It’s a good idea, even in their best self-interest and yet they resist. It’s easy to get frustrated and end up entangled in a power struggle that demoralizes everyone and harms the relationship. So, what do you do? Here’s […]

By rogerkallen

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More Polarized than Ever

More Polarized than Ever

If I’m really honest with myself I feel pretty dismayed by the political debate in the country (USA) today. We have become so polarized and tribal, even in our local communities, that we can’t carry on a sincere conversation without people being offended and either shutting down or attacking those with differing opinions. How unfortunate […]

By rogerkallen

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Become a Master at Resolving Conflict

Become a Master at Resolving Conflict

If you’ve been following me the last few weeks, you’re aware that I teach four phases in resolving conflict: Preparation, Invitation, Exploration, and Collaboration. Last week I wrote about the first two phases and this week I want to explain the last two phases. Phase III: Exploration-The Heart of Resolving Conflict Exploration is exploring the […]

By rogerkallen

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If You Want to Resolve Conflict Then You Have to Make it Safe

If You Want to Resolve Conflict Then You Have to Make it Safe

We don’t like conflict and we’re often not good at handling it. As I’ve shared in recent blog posts, some people impose their will on others. Some withdraw and give in. And others avoid it altogether. The consequence is that sensitive issues go unresolved and our relationships suffer. In my last article, I talked about […]

By rogerkallen

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Conflict Management: How to Resolve Conflict So Everyone Wins

Conflict Management: How to Resolve Conflict So Everyone Wins

Conflict is inevitable. No surprise. The question is how we resolve conflict. The most emotionally intelligent people in any field or walk of life understand conflict management. They don’t deal with conflict management by retreating or sweeping it under the rug, nor by coming off as aggressive and imposing their will on others. They learn […]

By rogerkallen

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Dialogue: From Competing to Collaborating

Dialogue: From Competing to Collaborating

In my last article, I introduced four styles of communication.  In this article, I want to do a deeper dive into the meaning of collaboration, the alternative to the patterns of dominating, accommodating, and avoiding. The truth is that all these styles have their place in day-to-day life. However, collaboration becomes crucial as the topic […]

By rogerkallen

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How Do You Handle Conflict?

How Do You Handle Conflict?

Do you know how to handle conflict when… You’re not able to sleep due to a neighbor’s late-night music or barking dog? Your boss wants you to work overtime this weekend when you’ve planned a big outing with your family? You and your partner have totally different opinions when it comes to a major life […]

By rogerkallen

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