
teaching children

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Teaching Our Children to do Hard Things

Teaching Our Children to do Hard Things

Our Children Can Learn to do Hard Things My last blog was about doing hard things as a key to resilience. Any success requires that we develop the discipline to do hard things rather than procrastinating, avoiding, or taking the path of least resistance. Learning to do hard things not only leads to success but […]

By rogerkallen

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Creating a Safe and Nurturing Home

Creating a Safe and Nurturing Home

I had the pleasure of meeting two delightful and inspiring women back in August as I was speaking on the topic of parenting to an audience of 300-400 people. The two of them, Becky Higgins and Becky Proudfit, started a weekly podcast in October 2018 entitled “Cultivate a Good Life.” I was impressed to learn […]

By rogerkallen

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