

Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Are You a Warrior . . . Or a Fool?

Are You a Warrior . . . Or a Fool?

It takes a certain amount of courage to set aside your defenses and take a long, honest look at yourself. If you’re ready to break free into a life of abundance and prosperity, it’s time to release the justifications, the illusions, the compliments that people have paid you and the insulting labeling they’ve smeared on […]

By rogerkallen

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Is it Too Late To Change Your Life?

Is it Too Late To Change Your Life?

Well, you’ve had some time to think about your lifeline now. Have you made any discoveries, surprised yourself with any patterns or recollections you weren’t expecting? Fantastic! If you didn’t read my last blog, I encourage you to go back to it by clicking here. We’re embarking on a journey to a new, rich life […]

By rogerkallen

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Why are you here? – Part 2

Why are you here? – Part 2

New Zealand writer, poet and educator Sylvia Constance Ashton-Warner once said, “You must be true to yourself.  Strong enough to be true to yourself.  Brave enough to be strong enough to be true to yourself.  Wise enough to be brave enough to be strong enough to shape yourself from what you actually are.”

By rogerkallen

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Are You Ready to Map Out Your Journey?

Are You Ready to Map Out Your Journey?

“With a clue like this, by Christopher, we’ll have Flint’s treasure if it takes a year!” You probably remember the story of Treasure Island, although, depending on your age, your exposure to the story might have come via the original story by Robert Lewis Stephenson, the movie by Disney, the wacky Muppets version, or even […]

By rogerkallen

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Is Your Vision Clear?

Is Your Vision Clear?

Previously, I asked you to spend some time meditating about the elements that would play into your ideal future – what matters most to you, how you want to spend your life, and what you want to do with the time you’re given.  Now let’s work on clarifying those elements into your vision of your […]

By rogerkallen

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What’s Your Vision?

What’s Your Vision?

Remember the analogy you used when we started this quest for self actualization?  We compared it to a journey.  You’ve packed up your tools, assessed your strengths and weakness and gotten to know your traveling companions.  Now take your map out and spread it out on the table in front of you.  It’s time to […]

By rogerkallen

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Are You Living A Life Of Passion?

Are You Living A Life Of Passion?

After a life-time of juggling a job, kids, and a busy household, Kate lives alone in a small house in a quite suburb, where she keeps her garden, reads volume after volume of historical fiction, and has her dearest friends over once a month for a Bible study. She is happy.

By rogerkallen

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Are Self Growth Products the Key to Making Your 100 Years Count?

Are Self Growth Products the Key to Making Your 100 Years Count?

I heard a song on the radio this morning that really struck home.  You might have heard it:  100 Years by the band Five For Fighting. “I’m 15 for a moment, caught between 10 and 20 . . .” The singer is fifteen, then twenty-two, then thirty-three.  Then “the sea is high” and he’s forty-five.  […]

By rogerkallen

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