
I want so much to express my deepest love and gratitude for teaching me in such a beautiful way those principles of truth that literally changed my life overnight. I have never been happier. The things I learned from you have set me free because I have learned to love myself and to be completely open and honest. It’s amazing that I have lived my whole life for others approval but I’m so excited to have the rest of my life to do it my way.
student in Making Things Happen
The Hero’s Choice is a
compelling story that will
teach you to live from the
inside out rather than the
outside in; to make
choices, day in and day
out, consistent with your
highest self. I highly
recommend it for anyone
committed to living with
purpose and meaning.
author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and The 8th Habit
his is the best purchase
that I have made for
myself in my life. A family
is the smallest and the
most precious institution
in a society, healthy
societies start within the
health families, to save
and protect this
institution so much effort
is needed, I think the
instructor teaches all the
necessary tools to
maintain this unity.
student in How to Create a Happy Marriage and Loving Relationship
The principles taught here resonate deeply within me and have already helped me to view conflict differently, and given me tools to practice healthy and respectful dialogue that honors what is important to both sides. I feel more empowered to advocate for myself and help my children advocate for themselves, and have experienced more meaningful connection with them as I apply what I’m learning. The things I learned will be life changing in a positive way for me and for my family
life Coach and mother of four and student in Becoming a Master at Managing Conflict at Home and Work
A fantastic course for everyone at any stage of life. This subject is rarely given the attention it needs; at least in my life, I assumed because I could hear I was able to listen. So many wasted interactions. The commitment is small. The material is well put together, and Roger does a fantastic job in delivering it. The exercises and examples really help with understanding and takingthe steps you need to put this material into practice. So much of your success in life, both personally and professionally, will depend on how well you master this skill.
student in The Power of Deep Listening
As a counselor, I found
the insights and
strategies to be incredibly
valuable. The knowledge
and skills have not only
deepened my
understanding of
effective parenting but
have also enriched my
ability to support other
families in navigating the
challenges they face. I
was particularly
impressed by your
emphasis on fostering
open communication and
building strong
relationships within
families. Your strategies
for effective
communication, active
listening, and conflict
resolution are not only
applicable but also
transformative. With
utmost enthusiasm, I
recommend this course to
fellow counselors,
parents, and anyone
invested in fostering
positive family
Student Counselor AKES program, and student in Parenting to Raise Responsible, Mature Children
Thank you does not
express the emotion I feel
when I think of you! You
have taught me so much
and I live you and thank
you for all you have done
for me and my family.
Thanks for the love and
guidance when I thought I
was lost. Thanks for
validating my feelings
and supporting me in my
student in Making Things Happen Seminar and a number of online courses
The Hero’s Choice is a
very powerful and
compelling story. It will
make you smile and it will
also move you to tears.
The writing style and
story line reminds me of
Og Mandino’s books. If
you love his books you
will surely love this one
mentor and coach; founder of Teach the Soul and top Amazon reviewer
As a counselor who uses
positive psychology, this
has been a very
enlightening course; not
only for use in future
sessions, but also on a
personal level as I did the
exercises. My only regret
is coming to the end.
Loved the engaging
teaching style.
student in Claiming Your Power to Live a Happy and Abundant Life
The course is short and concise as the author defines a process with actionable steps and guidelines for handling difficult conversations. In the last sections, there are some common scenarios in which you can see how the whole process comes into play and recognize the notions outlined in the first part. Before taking the course, I was clueless on how to even approach such a discussion, but now I feel like I have the notions and the tools to improve my confrontational skills.
student in Performance Management: Confronting Poor Performance
Prior to your training, I had success, but felt trapped in a life that was void of meaning and purpose. But this experience changed my life. It brought about a fresh perspective, a view that I had not seen before. That was four years ago. My journal and workbook are still with me all of the time, and I reflect on the goals that have been accomplished since the retreat. My long-term vision remains, clearly in front of me as I continue to create new goals that are congruent with this vision.
consultant and participant in Life Quest Seminar
In my career as a specialist providing treatment to adolescents and their families, I have seen many parenting theories, models, manuals, and books. I have seen nothing which rises to the stature of this book by Dr. Allen. It has depth, breadth, easy to understand models, timeless and trueprinciples, stories, examples, and specific steps to take to get to where you want to go. In my opinion, among all the many good books on parenting, this book has more depth, and more breadth, and has no equal
Ph.D. CEO and Co- founder, Center for Change; nationally known clinical teacher and co-author of the APA book Spiritual Approaches in the Treatment of Women with Eating Disorders
I have read several books on marriage, but I still learned many things from this course. This course not only explains the concepts well, but also has very solid ways to implement them in real life. Before I took the course, I was afraid of other’s judgments and as a result, I tend to accommodate and avoidin communication. After taking the course, I no longer get hurt by judgments as much, instead I learn to feel more compassion towards others and myself. As a result, I could listen to others and express my vulnerability better. Thank you, Dr. Allen for this wonderful course.
student in Creating and Happy and Loving Marriage
Great course! I learned a lot about myself. The resources are very helpful and made me think a lot. Sometimes I felt and still feel overwhelmed by the depth of the questions: I am scared about not knowing everything about my team that I’m leading since 15 years ago. And I wonder how to answer all the questions in order to improve. This is why I rate the course “amazing”. Thank you very much, Dr. Allen.
student in Employee Enagement-Leadership to Engage Hearts and Minds
Thank you so much! It’s
hard to put into words the
feelings and emotions.
You’ve given me life,
direction when I felt I had
none. I’m slowly
becoming a new person.
Co-dependency is on its
way out and self-reliance
and independence are on
their way in.
participant in Making Things Happen
This course was
incredible! Roger is a
great coach and he truly
covered the essence of
the conflict management
concepts and used
various examples which
all really added to fully
understanding these
concepts. I didn’t realize
how much I needed this
course until finishing it. I
recommend it to
everyone! My perspective
and attitude towards
facing/dealing with
conflicts has definitely
changed for the better. I
also very much
appreciate the PDF
material which I have
added to my collection of
personal development
resources Thank you very
much for sharing your
knowledge in such a
constructive manner
student in Become a Master at Conflict Management at Home and Work
While life brings
challenges from time to
time, I’m living my most
difficult stage so far,
caring for a husband who
is going downhill with
Parkinson’s. This course is
helping me deal with my
present challenges in a
positive way while
becoming more resilient
through this experience
student in Managing Stress and Building Resilience Masterclass
The best thing I’ve ever done. I learned to take responsibility for myself and not be responsible for, or control others. I can’t think of anyone I know who would not benefit by taking this class. We are now encouraging all our children to enroll in the course.
participant in Making Things Happen
This course was so
enlightening and well
structured. I really liked
all of the examples that
were given. This really
helped me apply the skill
correctly as well as
cement it in my
knowledge. It was very
helpful to be able to
download the PDF’s to go
over again as many times
as needed. I know this
will take me time to make
these a habit but I
already see improvement
as I work to apply one
thing at a time.
student in Raising Responsible, Emotionally Mature Children
This was a nice blended course with both work and home-life scenarios which were much more relatable. I learned a lot taking this course as I am now in the role of facilitating communication between leaders, this course gave me another perch to view from. The baseline information was solid, and easy to digest, as well as the desired outcomes clear. Great course!
student in Become a Master at Managing Conflict at Home and Work
The course was inspiring, comprehensive, interesting, enriching and practical. The videos and accompanying materials are well organized, concise and helpful. I recommend the course highly. I took the course with my daughter and we discussed and digested the material together, and challenged one another to stick to our commitments.
student in Claiming Your Power to Live a Happy and Abundant Life
I can’t even begin to explain with words the incredible things I discovered. I am able to feel more love for everything and everyone around me. I see everything in a new light, with new perspective which adds peace to my soul. I feel so whole and complete, and ready to embark on my life adventure. This has been the BEST investment I’ve ever made!
student in Life Quest Seminar
With gratitude and a sincere thank you for making available a superb course. I found it contained immeasurable value in terms of knowledge and practical application crafted within the Four Pillars of Resilience.
student in Mastering Stress and Building Resilience Masterclass
This has been very helpful. I have a very difficult staff member with a mean demeanor. She demoralizes and bullies my other members of staff. The processes explained here have been very helpful in giving me a mature and confident way to confront this lady appropriately
student in Performance Management: Confronting Poor Performance