Best-Selling Online Video Programs

Become a Master at Resolving Conflict at Home and Work
Our Natural Tendencies are Harmful My professional experience tells me that many of our natural tendencies during conflict are harmful. Some people go into an…

Creating a Happy Marriage and Loving Relationship-Online Marriage Course
We Long for Companionship And yet, in spite of the challenges of building a happy relationship, it is natural for us to want to find…

Communication Skills Masterclass: A Blueprint for Home and Work
I agree. Communication is at the heart of our relationships. In fact, I will say that the quality of our relationships is a function of…

Claiming Your Power to Live a Happy and Abundant Life
Product Description The course is based on three truths: First is that you want to be happy. You want to feel joy, peace and love.…

Managing Stress and Building Resilience Masterclass
This course is for you, if: You grew up in difficult childhood circumstances, including poverty, neglect, abuse, or relationship instability. You face, today, a constant…

The Power of Deep Listening Video
The Importance of Deep Listening I define deep listening as suspending judgment and being fully present with another person to understand his or her experience…

Parenting Skills to Raise Responsible, Mature Children (Online Course)
The Challenges of Parenting During the course I’m going to talk about many of the challenges that come at us almost daily. For example, what…

Fundamentals of Life Coaching Certification
Practical, Powerful Tools As a psychologist and coach with years of professional experience, I provide you with powerful tools to help people improve, even transform…

Resolve Conflict by Managing Your Emotions
Some people, in the middle of conflict, go into an aggressive and fight mode, others run emotionally and resort to silence or appeasement, and still…

Building Relationships of Empathy, Trust, and Goodwill
Therefore, much of your effectiveness and success in all aspects of your life depends upon the quality of your relationships. When your relationships are poor,…

Employee Engagement-Leadership to Engage Hearts and Minds
A Personal Story I recall sitting in the cafeteria of a respected manufacturing company one day having an informal chat with an employee by the…

Performance Management: Confronting Poor Performance
A Seven Step Process to Improve Work Performance and Employee Behavior Developing the confidence and ability to speak respectfully, candidly and yet firmly to poor…

Thinking Like a CEO
The model will help you step back from the day-to-day operation and look at your business or organization from a wholistic and systems point…

Own It! By Grand Key Education
Purchase Today If you would like to purchase this product, click on the button below. Use discount code "RKATEEN" when purchasing. Give your teen an…