
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Our Purpose as Parents

Our Purpose as Parents

Isn’t technology wonderful? When I was a boy if I wanted to change the channel on the TV, I had to get up and go the TV. Now, all we do is point a remote in the general direction of the TV, press a button and change the channel. It is easy. Then I read […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Stay Up Beat at Work

How to Stay Up Beat at Work

Last week my blog was an interview with a friend who was complaining about becoming a grumpy old man due to the increasing demands and expectations put on him by his employer. This is a pretty common phenomenon for a lot of people these days as companies cut costs and run lean, expecting their existing […]

By rogerkallen

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You Want Me To Do Hard Things? Why Bother? Thoughts from a Disillusioned Worker

You Want Me To Do Hard Things? Why Bother? Thoughts from a Disillusioned Worker

Then I wrote a couple of blogs recently on the value of doing hard things. One of my readers agreed with my premise but also went on to share a different take on this theme that has to do with becoming a disillusioned worker. Here’s what he said: “I worked very hard when my kids […]

By rogerkallen

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Raising Responsible, Emotionally Mature Children

Raising Responsible, Emotionally Mature Children

I have written a new book on parenting. People have asked me why I wrote a book on this topic. It’s a good question and there are five reasons. I’m convinced of the importance of parenting. I have long believed that raising children is, for many of us, the most important work we’ll ever do. It’s […]

By rogerkallen

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Seeing the Goodness and Abundance of Life

Seeing the Goodness and Abundance of Life

I have a number of guiding principles which I review in the mornings during my personal time. One of them is “I trust the goodness and abundance of life.” Now I have to admit that life is not all goodness and bliss. In fact, Life is hard, perhaps harder for some than others, but nonetheless […]

By rogerkallen

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Longing for Love

Longing for Love

Back in the 1940s and ’50s, a medical doctor by the name of René Spitz conducted a number of experiments with orphaned children. In one study, babies were cared for by nurses who changed their diapers, fed them regularly, and made sure they were warm, but otherwise these infants received little or no interaction or […]

By rogerkallen

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The Three Sources of Happiness

The Three Sources of Happiness

A couple of years ago I started on a journey to understand happiness. It’s a concept that has been well studied in the past fifteen years. Social scientists have learned a lot about the mental strategies of happy people, strategies which can be used by anyone who wants to increase their happiness and well-being.In particular, […]

By rogerkallen

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My State of Overwhelm

My State of Overwhelm

Yesterday I fell into a state of overwhelm. I’ve had some personal/family worries going on plus a number of significant and unpredicted work projects that landed on me in the past week, which not only raised my level of anxiety but are also squeezing me to get more done in a relatively short period of time.My initial reaction was to feel immobilized, not knowing where to start or how to proceed in dealing with these challenges. It seemed like they were all not only big but of equal importance. So I spent my day shifting my attention back and forth from one task to another, in the end feeling quite unproductive and emotionally unsettled.

By rogerkallen

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