
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Is Money Everything, After All?

Is Money Everything, After All?

Money.  We’ve heard all the sayings:  “Money isn’t everything.”  “Money can’t buy happiness.”  “You can’t take it with you.”  We spend an awful lot of time and attention talking about how money doesn’t deserve our time and attention.  But at the end of the month . . . the rent is still due.  Part of […]

By rogerkallen

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Is Your Vision Clear?

Is Your Vision Clear?

Previously, I asked you to spend some time meditating about the elements that would play into your ideal future – what matters most to you, how you want to spend your life, and what you want to do with the time you’re given.  Now let’s work on clarifying those elements into your vision of your […]

By rogerkallen

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What’s Your Vision?

What’s Your Vision?

Remember the analogy you used when we started this quest for self actualization?  We compared it to a journey.  You’ve packed up your tools, assessed your strengths and weakness and gotten to know your traveling companions.  Now take your map out and spread it out on the table in front of you.  It’s time to […]

By rogerkallen

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Are You Living A Life Of Passion?

Are You Living A Life Of Passion?

After a life-time of juggling a job, kids, and a busy household, Kate lives alone in a small house in a quite suburb, where she keeps her garden, reads volume after volume of historical fiction, and has her dearest friends over once a month for a Bible study. She is happy.

By rogerkallen

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Are Self Growth Products the Key to Making Your 100 Years Count?

Are Self Growth Products the Key to Making Your 100 Years Count?

I heard a song on the radio this morning that really struck home.  You might have heard it:  100 Years by the band Five For Fighting. “I’m 15 for a moment, caught between 10 and 20 . . .” The singer is fifteen, then twenty-two, then thirty-three.  Then “the sea is high” and he’s forty-five.  […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Make Change Stick

How to Make Change Stick

How often have you read a self-help book, listened to a great speech or attended a powerful seminar only to fall back into old habits within a short time? It happens to most of us. The challenge in personal development is not a shortage of ideas. It is how to make those ideas stick; to […]

By rogerkallen

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Is There Something Positive Inside of You?

Is There Something Positive Inside of You?

After a long week of classes, Eliza Cameron, 19, Loren Niurka Mora, 20, and Caitlin Petro, 20, were ready to unwind. They settled on the shores of Sarasota Bay to take in the sights, chatting and idly watching a fisherman in waders, casting his rod. When the man dropped out of sight , it took […]

By rogerkallen

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The Serenity Model will Increase Your Emotional Maturity

The Serenity Model will Increase Your Emotional Maturity

Do you ever read the headlines on the celebrity rags in the grocery store check-out lines? This one is in rehab. This one is getting a divorce (again). This one feels (or at least looks) like a new woman after massive cosmetic surgery. What would it take to make you happy? The answers that pop […]

By rogerkallen

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