Happiness in Marriage

A couple in love showing that you can find happiness in marriage

Happiness in Marriage

Did you know that over 96% of all people will marry or come together as a couple during their lifetimes?

The fact is, we don’t like being alone. We want to find a partner and settle into a life with someone with whom we can share our life experiences.

Furthermore, according to experts in positive psychology, nothing impacts your overall happiness more than a satisfying relationship with your life partner.

This is why I’m launching my online video program on how to have a happy marriage and loving relationship. 

Who is it for?

The course is for those who have a good relationship and want to make it even better. It is also for those who are struggling and need tools to improve their relationship.

It is something you can do as a couple. Or, it is something you can do on your own because you recognize that if you change your part, your relationship will improve.

85% of happy couples do this

The good news is that there is a vast body of research on happiness in marriage. We know what happy couples do and these practices can be learned. Here’s one quick example.

Your partner says, “What a beautiful sunset.”

You can respond in one of three ways. You can turn towards your partner by saying something like, “Wow, it certainly is beautiful. Look at those pink hues reflecting off the clouds.” You can turn away from your partner by ignoring the comment or responding with indifference. Or you can turn against your partner by making a negative or even argumentative comment. “I don’t see what’s so special about it.” Or, “I can’t get anything done when you continually interrupt me.”

In happy marriages, partners turn towards each other 85% of the time. In unhappy marriages, partners turn away or against about 85% of the time. This means that you can improve your relationship by learning to recognize “bids” to talk and turning towards rather than against or away.

The purpose of the course is to teach you strategies from the science on marriage as well as foremost experts in the world on how to create happiness in your marriage.

The course will help you:

  • Replace toxic patterns of interaction with actions that build emotional connection and unity
  • Feel greater respect, acceptance, and love for your spouse
  • Build positive feelings and friendship
  • Know the differences between how women and men see the world and how to better meet your spouse’s needs
  • Develop more open and vulnerable communication
  • Learn skills to resolve disagreements and conflict
  • Create the mindset and communication skills to have a great sexual relationship
  • Build a shared vision of the future

The course features:

  • 6 hours of on-demand video lessons
  • 40 downloadable resources
  • Free audio files of all the lectures
  • Access on mobile device or tv
  • 30-day money back guarantee
  • Certificate of completion at end of course

So, click here to learn more and I look forward to seeing you in the course.

Roger K. Allen

A few recent and unsolicited testimonials from graduates of my online courses:

“Awesome class. Very insightful. We are a much better couple now. Thank you.” Antonia Yudhita- Create a Happy Marriage and Love Relationship

“This is the best purchase that I have made for myself in my life. You are purchasing something that makes you a better person. A family is the smallest and the most precious institution in a society. Healthy societies starts within the health families and to save and protect this institution so much effort is needed. I think the instructor teaches all the necessary tools to maintain this unity.” Memis Cetinkaya-Create a Happy Marriage and Love Relationship

“Loved this course, thank you! Really learnt a lot and am enjoying putting these valuable skills into practice. Great course!” Lisa Sherriff—The Power of Deep Listening

100% happy. THANK YOU, Roger! This course has been an enormous help. The structure of the course, the way you explain the skills and principles, and the way you relate the theory to the real world, the examples you give really helped me to understand the theory and the tools. And with each lesson I felt safer, better prepared and was able to reach better solutions as I might have without this course. It should be a mandatory course for everyone. Thanks again. Anna Henker-Become a Master at Resolving Conflict at Home or Work

“Very informative course, really enjoyed the kind approach from Roger, and the CBT strategies for a happy life, all the best to future students of this course hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and doing it under the current circumstances really helped me. Thank you, Roger.” Kate Addison-Claiming Your Power to Live a Happy and Abundant Life

“An incredible course! So much food for thought and so many amazing practical take-aways. Completely shifted my outlook towards parenting! Great Job by the instructor and a must do course for all parents! Absolutely Loved it!”  Seema Shenoy Manek-Parenting Skills to Raise Responsible, Mature Children


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